7/24/24 Ogden, UT area crash landing (video)


Line Up and Wait
Apr 21, 2021
Orange County, CA
Display Name

Display name:
Piper PA-34-220T Seneca III

Registration: N134MG

Amazing, just 2 with minor injuries!

Video of crash landing, trees helped:

Sounds like they ran out of fuel waiting for the fire trucks. How ironic.
That is the biggest mess of a plane I've seen people hop out of, shaken but not stirred.
One of the big advantages of an engine out "crash" landing is the engines have cooled, and there is no fuel for a fire. The hope of getting out with no enveloping flame is amazingly good. Decelerating with more than one tree strike helps too, as long as the strikes are off center enough that the cockpit is not destroyed.

The pilot deserves some big credit for flying, all the way to the scene of the crash, they came in right side up, and shallow angle.

Lucky people.