6Y9 2025 Fly in/camp out- and memories from the past


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 3, 2008
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So..... a few of us PoA-ers met up today and we went down memory lane with 6Y9. Since this will be our 20th fly in...I would like to start a list of all of those who have made it...and with that any memories, one liners, things that happened that you don't want to remember but can't forget, etc. (eman you can't play along yet because we have yet to see you there). It doesn't have to be explained to the masses either. What happens in Sidnaw stays in Sidnaw.

From our first humble fly in with Grant, Leslie, Nick, Jesse, Richard, Barb, Ed, Bruce,(...and have I forgotten anyone else?) ...to this upcoming fly in that will mark our 20th, the memories that we have are priceless.

PM me or post it here...as long as it's suitable to be posted...because, well, it's been 20 years of all kinds of stuffs. LOL
So..... a few of us PoA-ers met up today and we went down memory lane with 6Y9. Since this will be our 20th fly in...I would like to start a list of all of those who have made it...and with that any memories, one liners, things that happened that you don't want to remember but can't forget, etc. (eman you can't play along yet because we have yet to see you there). It doesn't have to be explained to the masses either. What happens in Sidnaw stays in Sidnaw.

From our first humble fly in with Grant, Leslie, Nick, Jesse, Richard, Barb, Ed, Bruce,(...and have I forgotten anyone else?) ...to this upcoming fly in that will mark our 20th, the memories that we have are priceless.
Me!!! I was there for the "grand reopening" August 5-6, 2006 and the first Labor Day fly-in about a month later. Looking at my logbook, I've been there 8 times by air, and one by truck. ;)

Some fond memories:
* Crashing in the "second cabin" with @SkyHog and a couple others at one of the first fly-ins, and freezing my @$$ off in a tent for some others.
* @One Short completing her goal of landing at every airport in Michigan at 6Y9 on her birthday. I wonder how she's doing these days.
* One of my favorite flights ever: We'd been flying earlier in the day so the planes were all preflighted, and without cell service there's no way to call FSS for a briefing. We'd been tearing around the woods on the ATVs for a while, and it was getting to be "the golden hour" before sunset when we got back into town. We were trying to figure out what to do next - Eat, or something else - And I said "Well, the sun's still up, we could fly" half-jokingly. We looked at one another for a few seconds, somebody said "Let's go!" and 5 minutes later we were in the air, which by this point in the day was smooth and still and the sun being low in the sky just made everything beautiful.
* Lady in Red. 'nuff said. :rofl:
* Helping Tony taxi the Citabria to the local gas station to fill it up. Didn't we end up on the front page of the L'Anse Sentinel for that?
* Quote of the weekend from 2009: "If the pilot's lit, does the runway need to be?" :rofl:
* Singing in the school late into the night
* Seeing some absolutely spectacular auroras in 2016, that prompted me to write this:

"Everyone needs to experience this.

I'm in the UP, spending the weekend with friends at a little grass airstrip in the tiny town of Sidnaw, Michigan, and I got to watch a spectacular display of nature and mankind tonight. No camera can capture this, you have to come out into nature and see it for yourself.

The northern sky glows with aurora borealis. It's greenish and alien. It moves around eerily, not really moving perceptibly most of the time you're looking at it, yet somehow managing to change and move constantly. Towers of light streak skyward while the horizon just glows, silhouetteing the trees at the other side of the strip.

Up above, billions of stars light the sky. The Milky Way is plainly visible. The tail end of the Perseid meteor shower adds streaks to the sky, while an occasional satellite races around its orbit. Closer to the horizon, stars twinkle so much they look like non-moving airplanes, complete with red and white flashes. Dozens of jets flicker as they cross the sky on their way to everywhere. It's so quiet that you can sometimes hear the far-off roar despite the distance. When it's gone, even the bugs seem to be sleeping. Or maybe they're as awed by the stars and aurorae as I am.

I feel small."
YES!!! I am so sorry ! I had you on the list and I even sent Ed a picture of you by your plane. About midnight last night it occurred to me that I didn't put your name down as being there. Ugh. SO sorry!

I had forgotten about the "lady in red" SMH....
Yes, Tony's plane was front page news with a great picture! Someone later tried to taxi their plane over to get ice cream (?) and hit a big hole and had a prop strike. That plane was on the field for a long time. As I recall it was a group effort helping Tony navigate the hazards to get it from the field to the alley.
Barb being interviewed about her birthday also made the news.
Nine times...wow...I wish I would have kept better track of things, but I don't think I realized that it would go on for as many years as it has. Many years we flew by the seat of our pants, pun intended, and here we are looking at the 20th!
It would be awesome to see some more, or all, of the original gang from the early years. (hint, hint)
Thanks for posting!
I'm not nearly eloquent as Kent, and I've only been three times, but each year made some great memories. The peace and quiet of that place is unreal. Camping in the back of my plane. @gprellwitz & Leslie's incredible breakfasts. Drinking @kaiser 's keg in a couple hours under the wing of that yellow 170. Being asked where Sidnaw, MI is when I wear my 6Y9 shirt out in public. Above all, Diz treating me like an old friend or member of her family from the first time she met me.

Departing in the rain into a 500' ceiling. Forgetting my flaps...

It's on my calendar. Maybe my new engine will help me climb out of the hole :biggrin:
Red Leader to Gold Leader
Comanche + RV runway inspection at sunset
Losing a wheel bearing on the hay rack deep in "grizzly bear territory" enroute to Hoppy's
Consuming all of Hoppy's supply of Crown
"Let me show you where the old road went"
Breakfast cooked over the campfire at the cabin
Dusty four-wheeler rides
Four wheeler visit to the ?family? cabin where I literally couldn't stand up straight anywhere in the building
Tony and Rachel karaoke
Sweating trying to get to sleep in the tent one year and waking up to frost on the tent the next year
When is this?

That’s somewhat local to me
When is this?

That’s somewhat local to me
Wow! That's not true of very many people. Labor Day weekend - People usually show up on Friday and depart late morning/early afternoon Sunday, which gives you time to get home and still have a day off. Well, unless you're a pro pilot. ;) But you should probably stop ejecting...

YES!!! I am so sorry ! I had you on the list and I even sent Ed a picture of you by your plane. About midnight last night it occurred to me that I didn't put your name down as being there. Ugh. SO sorry!
No worries!

I had forgotten about the "lady in red" SMH....
How many times has she gotten her first ever airplane ride now? :rofl:

As I recall it was a group effort helping Tony navigate the hazards to get it from the field to the alley.
For sure! I remember walking a wing, I think Tristan was on the other side. We took down a couple of sign posts along the way. It was not a trivial exercise, but definitely worth it.
Having been a modest two times, my most memorable experiences:
- All good memories.
- Trying to sleep in the Arrow in '23 while some drunk incoherent, imbecile from town is poorly singing on max loud-speaker volume, before abandoning singing all together and instead just yelling random obscenities at 2am! Hilarious.
- @Jim K and I getting a solid half-hour, multi-point sales pitch from @kaiser on not only the practicality, but the sheer, undeniable inherent value of doing a partnership on a Citation :)
- A mad scramble team effort during '24 fly-in to try and decorate Sidnaw Station as fast as humanly possible for Diz's birthday
- Having an unexpected, borderline therapeutic, deep cleanse of my GI track by taking a gamble with one of Hoppy's more exotic meal options
- Waking up feeling a little rugged from festivities, but slamming coffee and having breakfast and conversation with good people, then looking out the front door of the school house and knowing it was going to be a good day :cool:. Hard to beat!

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putting all the womenfolk (and Grant) in the back of some strange Rube(n)'s pick-up truck after the haywagon broke down

using the phone booth in the yard of Camp Frederick

schoolhouse piano karaoke

spotting a bear in L'Anse
Sadly we have only made it once so far. My kiddo loves the place and we’ve been there half dozen times in our own

It’s hard to place all the memories. Talking around the fire. Watching the commotion in the cabin with whatever game the spouses were playing. Putting names and faces together.