6Y9 2012 Flying Season Open

el con

Line Up and Wait
Apr 21, 2008
Ada Mi.
Display Name

Display name:
The Flied Piper
Winter left early this year so the cones and windsock are out and the Field was dry. This could still change depending on spring rains so be cautious.
No damage from snowmobiles or ATV's this year so the workload is down(,big plus!_
The official opener is still May 15th sooooo.
See you up there.
And the website is updated to include pictures from 2011, and 2012's Flyer.

If anyone knows how to shrink down the file size of that PDF that would be great.
And the website is updated to include pictures from 2011...

I really didn't need to be reminded of flying home with a "skunked dog" but Diz's series of "Buddy getting skunked" photos is quite...well...documentary.

I really didn't need to be reminded of flying home with a "skunked dog" but Diz's series of "Buddy getting skunked" photos is quite...well...documentary.


I never even considered leaving out such a momentous occasion!!! It was "the" talk of Monday morning, and Tuesday morning, and Wednesday morning and......:rofl:
I really didn't need to be reminded of flying home with a "skunked dog" but Diz's series of "Buddy getting skunked" photos is quite...well...documentary.


Wow and they even caught me opening up the cowling of the Comanche to help with the pre-flight.
6Y9er one of the most beautiful fields I've been to.

Thanks Adam and Chris
It takes some time and effort but I enjoy it.
Much to Diz's dismay this 6Y9 adventure has led me into a little more to do. A friend who flies up from Ill. told me about a Group called the RAF(Recreational Aviation Foundation) . Started out in Montana ,spreading through the Country.
I have become the Michigan Liaison for the RAF and am working on two more grass airstrips in Mi. and trying to open them to the public. Both are going to be a lot of work as they are both on DNR /State land.
Now this has lead to another duty as I am now on the GA Committee working under the Michigan Dept of Aeronautics.
(How do I get myself into these things)
Check out www.theraf.org
Maybe new places for you grass strip loving pilot's to go.
I have become the Michigan Liaison for the RAF and am working on two more grass airstrips in Mi. and trying to open them to the public.

Now this has lead to another duty as I am now on the GA Committee working under the Michigan Dept of Aeronautics.

Maybe new places for you grass strip loving pilot's to go.
I really didn't need to be reminded of flying home with a "skunked dog" but Diz's series of "Buddy getting skunked" photos is quite...well...documentary.


Blame my mom. I just batch process the photos she gives me.

Stopped by the field today to see it for the first time, on my way to northern WI to see a boat. What a great airfield. I wasn't smart enough to know how to open the pilot shack door but everything looked shipshape. Almost fifteen degrees warmer than at my house forty miles north of here.

Can't wait to visit properly - in a plane.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?ji3fuj
I don't think it's a big secret. The code for getting in most,( not all), airport terminals or in our case "pilot shack" is 5 then 2 and 3 at the same time ,then 1.
Turn the wing knob, hold it, and the turn the regular door knob.
If they have a code they are listed in the Mi. airport directory.
Get a Michigan airport directory, request one from MDOT Aeronautics at
www.michigan.gov/aero/ or call them at 1 517 335 9283

Ontanagon Airport is "Squawk VFR"
Some others are the unicom frequency
I don't think it's a big secret. The code for getting in most,( not all), airport terminals or in our case "pilot shack"...

Hmmm...I like it. The Pickett-Grooms Airport Terminal :)

If they have a code they are listed in the Mi. airport directory.
Get a Michigan airport directory, request one from MDOT Aeronautics at
www.michigan.gov/aero/ or call them at 1 517 335 9283

Thanks, I will!
And if you keep your plane and register it here in MI, be sure to check the box to get a complimentary copy. I think they send the MI aeronautical chart (basically a reformatted sectional) to every pilot resident with a current medical.
I think you get a Mi sectional and airport directory if you have a plane regsitered in Mi. I don't think Mi. keeps track of pilots.
The charts are sent to Michigan pilots, regardless of plane ownership.
But, one must have their address available on the FAA website in order to receive such ... I've hidden mine and no longer receive the chart.
Yes yes but I was going to be a smart ass and sign the pilot log ;)

You mean the 'Wall of Sha.... I mean Fame'? ;)

I like 6Y9 and the people there. If we were closer, it would be hard not to end up with a cabin and a set of 4-wheelers up there. Not so sure about the snow mobiles, though...
Hmmm...I like it. The Pickett-Grooms Airport Terminal :)

Thanks, I will!

Sometimes "Pickett" has been mis-spelled on charts, etc...it has an "r" in it....."Prickett" is the correct way...I know, I know...a minor detail that really doesn't matter that much.:)
You mean the 'Wall of Sha.... I mean Fame'? ;)

I like 6Y9 and the people there. If we were closer, it would be hard not to end up with a cabin and a set of 4-wheelers up there. Not so sure about the snow mobiles, though...

Hope you guys can make it back up there sometime...we still have to go on that "real" 4 wheeler run!
The charts are sent to Michigan pilots, regardless of plane ownership.
But, one must have their address available on the FAA website in order to receive such ... I've hidden mine and no longer receive the chart.

Ah - that explains why I don't get a chart. I've never "hidden" my address, but for whatever reason, it doesn't come up. :dunno:

I do get the airport directory when I pay for the sticker.

Now, when you do bring the airplane in, be prepared to have fun with the Michigan Department of Transportation / Aeronautics.

If you already paid a sales tax when you bought the airplane or owned it more than 90 days, then it's just paperwork and the registration fee ($.01 / pound gross). Otherwise, the state wants its' 6%... http://www.michigan.gov/taxes/0,1607,7-238-44079-155877--,00.html

Then, 6 months after you've already paid the fees / use tax, and got the registration, you will get a letter from the state demanding that you register the aircraft and pay the use tax. :dunno:
You mean the 'Wall of Sha.... I mean Fame'? ;)

I like 6Y9 and the people there. If we were closer, it would be hard not to end up with a cabin and a set of 4-wheelers up there. Not so sure about the snow mobiles, though...

Pictures of the wall:

Sometimes "Pickett" has been mis-spelled on charts, etc...it has an "r" in it....."Prickett" is the correct way...I know, I know...a minor detail that really doesn't matter that much.:)



Diz, is that a female version of a pr***???

And, if so...

Who, may I ask, is the field named after??




Diz, is that a female version of a pr***???

And, if so...

Who, may I ask, is the field named after??



LOL!!! If you had visited the museum you would know the answers to those questions!

The airfield was named after Walter S. Prickett, a business tycoon involved in farming, mining, and lumber. He even built a hydroelectric dam north of Sidnaw....known as Prickett Dam.

The name of Grooms was added after WWII in honor of a local Navy flyer, Billy Grooms, who died testing dive bombers. If memory serves, it may have been a Hellcat.

The museum is filled with articles about the airfield. During WWII it was used as a training base for L4A Grasshoppers flying on both wheels and skis.

Sidnaw was also home to a CCC Camp and later a prisoner of war camp. This completes your history lesson for today.

So on your next visit....

Great meeting you, and the Mr! Thanks for the background on 6Y9. The history is great to know, and I'd really like to get there sometime, we'll see.
Was great to meet you too!

We'd love to have you make it to 6Y9 ...I think you'd find it is just a tad different from most of the other fly ins. We're always looking for ways to make it better and "easier" for those who come...quite the challenge in some respects.
I have booked the plane for that weekend, weather permitting we will be there! I will likely be in N9679H ( a 172) instead of N8889E
Mike, Good For you! I promise you will have a blast. Just curious why the 172 and not the Archer?
This year's fly-in is 1-3 Sep? I have asked to be off that weekend.
Mike, Good For you! I promise you will have a blast. Just curious why the 172 and not the Archer?

I'm still up in the air, was it you that said I NEED 180hp? I did all my grass, short, and soft field practice in the 172. Perhaps I should just take a good 3 hours and hammer out some landings in the Archer?
I'm still up in the air, was it you that said I NEED 180hp? I did all my grass, short, and soft field practice in the 172. Perhaps I should just take a good 3 hours and hammer out some landings in the Archer?

Nope definitly wasn't me.
I got in and out of there loaded to the gills in my 172 without any issue.
I'm still up in the air, was it you that said I NEED 180hp? I did all my grass, short, and soft field practice in the 172. Perhaps I should just take a good 3 hours and hammer out some landings in the Archer?

I think either plane would make it in and out OK. That runway is so long even a Grumman should be able to use it. :D
Can anybody confirm the date of the fly-in and can somebody start an attendance roster?

I intend to be there and will probably bring my Aussie "Crash". My wife Jeanne will probably come as well.
Can anybody confirm the date of the fly-in and can somebody start an attendance roster?

I intend to be there and will probably bring my Aussie "Crash". My wife Jeanne will probably come as well.

Fly-in is always Labor Day weekend, unless something is changed for this year.