Some comments about accelerated training if it hasn't already be said....
When you go, be as ready as possible short of the final laps you need to finish. What ever "basic level" knowledge and flying you can get done and out of the way ahead of time, do that.
Be prepared to book additional days on the calendar. Whether it be weather, maintenance, or you're stuck on a learning plateau you can't get past, those 5 days might need to be adjusted to 7 (or 10 days to 13). Plan for this with your personal schedule so you don't get to a hard "I gotta leave tomorrow" deadline and you're not finished.
Plan your day to include adequate rest periods (breaks, nap, and bedtime). If you are fatigued, your ability to learn is significantly compromised. Don't be afraid to ask for a small or big break in learning if you need it and you have an Energizer Bunny of an instructor.