The antenna may be mounted internally in composite construction, and tubular fabric
covered aircraft, as long as the fabric or composite material is of a non conductive nature.
The antenna must be mounted externally, on airframes of metallic construction. The
antenna should be mounted as close to the ELT transmitter as practical. The coaxial cable
connecting the antenna to the ELT transmitter, should not run in close proximity to comm
radio coaxial cables, and should avoid crossing aircraft production breaks. (i.e. Riveted
fuselage sections) The antenna must be mounted within 30 degrees of vertical, when the
aircraft is in normal flight attitude. The installed antenna must be able to withstand a static
load of 100 (one hundred) times it’s weight (13 lbs.) applied to the base of the antenna,
along the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. The antenna should be mounted a minimum distance
of three feet (1 meter) from any vertically polarized communication antennas. (i.e.
Antennas radiating in the 118-137 MHz band.)