Touchdown! Greaser!
RainSux, your post has a lot more wisdom than anything I read in the string of "you're wrong, I'm right (and you're stupid)" blathering.I'll conform with the pre-existing flow. If someone (tailwheel? student?
whatever ...) requests a change, I will accommodate them.
Yes, it is possible to land most any airplane in a light tailwind and yes this may require more skill than the same plane on the same runway without the tailwind. And I have no doubt that some pilots might be perfectly comfortable landing any taildragger in a significant tailwind be it a Pitts Special, DC-3, AT-6, J3, or JN-4.
But IMO the real issue from the OP is that no one should coerce or force another pilot to attempt a landing in less than optimal conditions if that pilot feels that safety might be compromised. IOW, if only one pilot in 20 prefers a different runway, just work it out and let him land where he want's to whether or not you think he's being overly cautions or not.