2024 Goals


Pattern Altitude
Mar 22, 2020
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Let’s make a new thread for 2024 goals?
My 2024 goal is to get comfortable in the airspace around here. It's a lot busier and more complicated than I'm used to, and it's stopping me from flying like I would want to be otherwise.

I also want to fix this:

Hey, @SkyChaser ! Making any progress on this one (I hope)?
Because the answer is no, I haven't got 2-Bit Speed in the air yet with all the craziness that's been 2023 for us.

So I guess my goals are pretty much the same as last year. Some years are a bit of a wash, I guess, but hopefully next year will be easier to have the time, energy, and money at the same time and place!

What are everyone else's 2024 goals?
Some years are a bit of a wash, I guess, but hopefully next year will be easier to have the time, energy, and money at the same time and place!

You had a very busy year with a major family burden (and thank you).
1) Get the plane painted.
2) Avoid wadding the plane into a molten ball of aluminum.
3) Take a few trips with SWMBO.
4) Remain unemployed.
For 2024 I promise to:

Stop daring people to lick frozen flagpoles.

Go vegan for six months and give up after six hours.

Give up blaming the dog for every strange smell in the house (especially when I know it came from me).

Only eat white snow.

Stop buttering doughnuts.

Stop licking frozen flagpoles.
For 2024 I promise to:

Stop daring people to lick frozen flagpoles.

Go vegan for six months and give up after six hours.

Give up blaming the dog for every strange smell in the house (especially when I know it came from me).

Only eat white snow.

Stop buttering doughnuts.

Stop licking frozen flagpoles.

Many years ago I resolved to stop making NY's resolutions. It's the only resolution I've ever kept.
Retire... and fly more. I am 262 to the wake-up :)

But, I know there is a strong chance that will ask me to stay on another year... because they haven't made the effort to hire my replacement as of yet.
My goal this year was to fly at least once a month. For the most part I've accomplished that, at least in the average. I think I missed one due to weather and travel schedules.

Perhaps this year I should double that. I know I've made a bigger focus on doing different flying, flying at night, actually going to different airports and cities, etc.
But, I know there is a strong chance that will ask me to stay on another year... because they haven't made the effort to hire my replacement as of yet.
There is nothing like announcing your retirement date to get your employer to make an effort to hire your replacement.

Been there, done that, fairly recently. They got busy and found one with two weeks to spare.

Tailwheel endorsement.

Fly more than 2023 (should be easy since 2023 was only 13.9).

IPC in the club twin.
I've been without an airplane for 12 months and can't take it anymore. It was the right call to sell my Conquest 1... right time and opportunity in the market, and 2023 business burden wouldn't have put me at my best game to be flying. I will end up with 100 segments on Delta this year and about 20 chartered flights in a conquest, Citation Bravo, and a CJ3. That in addition to several family flights and visits that just didn't happen due to logistics.

I'm weighing the pros/cons of another Conquest 1, Conquest 2, or something in the Citation series whether it is a 510, or 525 variant. So, 2024 will bring a new airplane and possibly a type rating and ATP.
Grand canyon trip
I normally set an hour goal, but that seems to take care of itself.
6 Midwest meetups, 6 lifeline flights
Less than 5k on mx/upgrades
Never lose ifr currency

I think that's all doable.
Learn more about maintenance, and improve wrenching skills.
Fly aerobatics, if I keep the RV-8.
Go to a new airport at least once or twice a month.
Keep the number of landings on runways equal to the number of takeoffs.
2023 was a big one for me. Finished my Decathlon restoration and flew it 2 weeks ago. Bucket List.

For 2024:
- Compete in > 3 aerobatic contests
- Compete in nationals
- Fly coast to coast
- Get formation training
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Commercial ?... maybe, I'll take a few lessons and see how it goes really no aspirations to fly for money
Tailwheel ?.... if I can find a rental that will accommodate 6'5" 310lbs (my wife asked what I wanted for Christmas I told her a 185)
Stay IFR current (so far so good)
2-3 1500+ nm XC trips again
More PALS flights
More hours in the air than this year
Be a better PIC every flight
My 2024 goal is to get comfortable in the airspace around here. It's a lot busier and more complicated than I'm used to, and it's stopping me from flying like I would want to be otherwise.
Do it! When you're done you'll wonder what the big deal was.

Tailwheel endorsement.
Lots of fun!

For me:
Fly more. 2023 was a bad year for me. Didn't really get to do any big trips.
Get new wings for the plane.
Spend at least a month in a tent over the course of the year.
Sun n fun
clinton fly in
auto pilot for my c150
continue on bucket list of flying in every state.
Haven’t had enough time to think about my 2024 plans yet. But…

1) Get a First class medical
2) Get a paid flying gig
3) Fly to Miami again and the keys
4) Do an international flight involving customs
5) Flying trip to San Fran and Grand Canyon
6) Think about buying a multi, but then I need a bigger hangar and/or to sell the Arrow :oops:

I’ll think about what else makes me excited. Maybe flying a jet and the high altitude endorsement that I had planned for last year, but not as excited to do that at the moment.