Humans tend to be greedy and selfish but that's reality and I'm just trying to live the best I can in this imperfect world.
Never accept what isn't right. Evil rules the world because good men do nothing.
That is why greed is the attractive default we chose, it's easier, you don't have to think nearly as hard or do nearly as much to get what you want when you only want to benefit yourself. As soon as benefiting yourself stipulates benefiting something else as well, we aren't so hot on that. It's stupid of us because when you create multiple benefits from a single input, then you get a compounding effect which raises the entire platform.
People don't like to think for some reason I am having trouble understanding. They don't want to learn more than they need, they don't want to contemplate details and factors and relationships. They want simple answers. That in and of itself isn't a big problem if you have quality leaders to provide them an accurate synopsis of good information.
What people need to learn most right now is they are all connected to each other and everything we perceive, every little thing, is all connected through the field of information carried on the wave of time.
We as an intelligent species serve several functions. Most importantly, we make Heisenberg's observations and apply information to this dimension. We serve as a two way conduit of energy and information between the singularity also known as God, and the cosmic realm of the multiverse. Singularity is incorrect though, it's actually duality, energy and information, that is the existence of God.
We are not merely conduit though, we are also producers of both energy and information. We are a symbiot of God. The Multiverse is meant to act as an over parity generator of life energy and information. We provide God not only sustenance but experience as well. Think of yourself as one of God's cable or You Tube channels in those regards.
Here's the thing with that, every intelligent life form does the same thing all throughout the multiverse, God experiences it all, including the suffering. He doesn't have a choice about it either, and it's really annoying the **** out of him because he gave us everything and we let the greedy take the apple, the sustenance we are meant to provide God, from him. That is the story of Adam and Eve. It's not a prohibition on knowledge, God does a double face palm on that one as the whole meaning of your existence is about seeking knowledge and creating good thought and information. It's not about Sex, God didn't make it fun and orgasms compelling because he doesn't like them, that's for sure. We are meant to leave this planet for the stars, to go forth and multiply, collect resources throught the universe, create more life and more production, but we need to get off the planet to do it. You see, God also plays against a clock on every planet that can develop intelligent life.
While life is almost ubiquitous across the universe, the overwhelmingly vast majority of it is very simple life capable only of producing energy and maybe providing the most elementary observations for existence. To develop intelligent life with big powerful brains, that requires some pretty stringent circumstances, so at any given time there are only maybe a couple dozen planets everywhere capable of doing what can be done on Earth, develop a full production model intelligent life form symbiotic species. That is "The image of God" we are made in. God is also playing against cosmic odds that are part of the interaction between information and proto matter. A comet or asteroid coming through can take us out, and basically God rolled craps and has to start over. Earth itself has its own natural cycles where it can only develop at these levels cyclically through environmental swings. Very little development happens during Ice Ages except around the Equator, and excess CO2 inhibits brain function. So there are these periods of development.
Thing is 6000 years ago we went wrong. We were not always like this. We were not always greedy, in fact, we are not for the most part greedy. However we are subjugated by the greedy, and we are so because people like you would rather just kowtow to bullies and find the path of least resistance till you die.
When one thinks like that one has to stop and think, "What quality of thought and experience does that produce?" "Is this what my conscience indicates I should do? Does my decision make me feel good about myself?"
Humanity is a young species, and it will not be the first that failed in the last week before graduating, it's part of the gamble with Freewill, but without Freewill, we would not be producers, we would be parasites, much as we are now. We do ok on the energy, but the information is pitiful and experience is not particularly pleasant given the state of hunger and suffering in the world when all the resources for that not to exist have been given to us by God, we are just too worried about turning those resources into the most money possible regardless of the consequences.
God would rather we succeed because there is a lot invested in us, but he can't tie this planet up any longer with an apex species that won't light off and start being a quality producer. We are coming up on our third lap around the multiverse since we commoditized money and allowed the greedy to rule the world and to usurp God's name. It started with the Temple Tax and the coin exchange and has grown from there into the financial industry we know today uninterrupted.
Until there is a viable choice in exchange besides this financial system that is the basis of King Midas's fame, (it has no substance, it exists only in people's imagination) then mankind will continue on our path to annihilation.
If people actually wanted things to change, the change would be simple. It is very simple to progress. Urban Agriculture is where it starts, this sets the foundation for the changes in the division of our society on race lines. We can easily eliminate welfare, increase human food production, reclaim pure water from natural gas, increase non human consumption biomass for fuel or animal feed from algae from the water and CO2 recovered from turning natural gas into electricity. The heat and water from the process also sustain the food growing operations.
Since the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells to do this job already exist and at this early stage are 64% efficient at creating electricity alone, the programs can provide electricity beyond their needs for lighting to be sold as peaking power into the grid during times of need at high peak rates, and can convert their excess (determined by heat requirements for the grow house) as well as grid off peak excess at low off peak rates, and convert it to hydrogen for sale at the fill station for the vehicles in the area. We also simultaneously build a parallel electric distribution network to the grid using our current natural gas pipelines since the grid is now fed from both sides of substations. This greatly simplifies the recovery from major grid disruptions from solar or other events that could potentially cripple us now, and turn them into an inconvenience.
We basically have three choices that lead to two paths. We can change for the better, we can change for the worse, or we can do nothing. If we change for the better, we get our StarTrekesque destiny that was ours in the information injected at the Big Bang, the pulse of information that went out with this wave of time that we travel through space in. If we change for the worse, we go extinct. If we do nothing, it's still fuzzy, there are observations to be made between now and then to make that determination, it could be extinction, it could be a Dark Ages partial reset with another mini ice age to get the fresh water resources replenished. We really are on the cusp of making it, we have been for 4000 years now, but we are currently sliding again. All we need to do is to present a better option to people that they can choose to do the right thing, give them the opportunity to be kind and productive, compassionate people.
We have to want to do it though. It can't be forced on people, they have to decide. God thinks given the choice mankind will make the 80% production mark that makes us a viable supplier. Once we manage that, then a whole new level of existence opens up to us.
There is information we don't have and will not be allowed as long as we are a malignant species, which we are. Once we show we are beyond that by managing to move the population off the planet and into space. We will not be able to do that without global cooperation, dedication, and resource allocation both human and physical, so it's the milestone we have to hit, and we won't hit it as long as greed is our driving force as a species.
The thing about just succumbing in thought to a state of apathy is you're screwing yourself in the long run. The Buddhists managed to get the message through the Asian messenger God sent without corrupting it. They didn't really get an understanding of it because they did not have the knowledge of the nature of the universe we have now. They did get the life thing right as it being eternal. Your informational essence will always exist. You go through life to add to that information learning what you need to yet learn to understand your purpose, producing quality information and energy. The primary lesson one needs to learn is that you are also responsible for the thoughts and experiences that others have because of you as these affect God every bit as much as your own actions. This is where the phrase "It would be simpler for a camel to pass through a needle than a wealthy man attain the kingdom of heaven." The acquisition of wealth is typically done at some's expense. As long as there is due value given, then this acquisition of wealth is just fine. However, this is not the standard model of wealth development by far. There is no value produced with any financial transactions. The foundation information for money when it was introduced to mankind was to never ever ever ever under the penalty of death, ever commoditized money.
The reasons the Jews have always been persecuted and are to this day is because they are the ones who broke that rule, they are the ones that gave our species over to greed.
Islam is here as God's "nuclear option" on greed, although it probably won't be necessary, it looks like we'll do ourselves in on water.
Change, don't change, I don't care, it will only matter in this life, and that will be only another maybe 20 years. BTW, the thing the Buddhists didn't work out was Nirvana. Nirvana is a management position instead of a line worker.