Ernesto Castro
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In before a certain poster from Ohio says Mooney and how it is the best bang for the buck with the dirt simple Johnson Bar gear.
Seats are very uncomfortable (hard sitting)...You'll break your lower back and rearend sitting for more than an hour.
Not a PA28 fan
I don't get their hype. Pretty, good ramp presence, but I could never get past the big yoke bar or the fact that you can't actually use all six seats. The 210 and Piper Lance/Saratoga/Six lack the Beech refinement but I find them more comfortable and a little more capableBonanzas
Mooney payload is going to depend a lot on which Mooney (short body vs medium body vs long body, 4cyl vs 6cyl, etc). Comfort is also going to depend on which Mooney but also your body type.Mooney were another alternative, but the low payload is not good and also I understand that are not very comfortable inside.
+1What about a Tiger?
Yeah, G1000 is a concern in that respect. Clearly a pair of 430 (or one 430 plus one regular nav/com radio) and good all steam gauges are likely to depreciate less over time and eventually if I need to replace the 430 is just one equipment, and not the whole avionics of the aircraft.
Also the wingspan for the hangar was a concern as well.
Finally, cost of money is also a point, I was able to get 120k by refinancing my home, at a equivalent 1.5% 30 years fixed. So if I go with something on the range, the cost of money is going to be low. If I need to add an additional 120k with a 6% intereset rate it's going to have a significant impact on the fixed costs.