1st Class Medical and sleep aids

Joe Schmoe

Filing Flight Plan
Apr 29, 2022
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Joe Schmoe
Here is goes and was hoping someone can chime in.
Have to renew my first class in January.

Back in May I was having a hard time sleeping for about a week. Just a lot going and I went to see my local physician. He wanted to prescribe sleep aids and I declined. Started to use 3 mg of melatonin and was able to sleep fine.

I weaned myself of the melatonin and sometimes take it occasionally (1mg 1 to 2 times a week). It’s for those nights when I know I have to get up really early but can’t fall asleep.

Went to see my GP doc for an annual and told him all this. Told him I was feeling great. Getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Running 15 to 20 miles a week, sleeping isn’t an issue.

Long story short I signed up for online access to my medical records and my GP listed primary insomnia as a medical condition (for the first visit and follow up) I was dumbfounded when I saw that.

Since I occasionally take melatonin and there is no listing of insomnia on the medexpress form do I just ignore what the GP included in my health record?

I definitely do not have insomnia but not sure what to do since the GP included it in my office visit history. Or do I just call his office up and set up another appointment and make sure that he is aware I am fine.
Get it committed to record, that this has resolved.
An FAA condition has to be symptomatic and in need of tratment, the problem here is the implication of insomnia as a consequent of anxiety or of dysphoria.

So just get it documented as resolved. Melatonin by itself is indeed OTC and a nothingburger :)
Wow, thanks for the quick replies TCABM and Dr.Chien!

Doctor - a follow up question. All my GP has to do is note the issue is resolved in my file and case closed? Correct?

Do I need to bring anything to my AME to show that the issue has been closed? Or do,I even mention anything about insomnia if my AME inquires about my medical visits (especially if the GP closes my insomnia diagnosis/finding)

Would I need to list melatonin since it I always thought the FAA and FDA consider it a dietary supplement and not an over the counter medication?

Many thanks for your patience and help in doing what you do on this forum!
Bring the note from your doc with you "this was an active diagnosis from __/__/____ to __/__/____ and has resolved. The sole treament was OTC melatonin. MD sign, date". Write same in the doc visit(s).

"Don't panic, lads!".
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