There is no way.
The agency has assigned you the Aerospace medical diagnosis of dependency, no matter what the details.
You might not even be credited with two years of abstinence unless you can subtantiate that assertion (have you been in an aftercare testing program?)!
Nobody gets an upperclass special without full education at the end of which you can:
Demonstrate that you have lived the 12 steps
Discuss the 12 steps
And the agency considers full rehab to be just education because the difference between abstinence and recovery is not clear without these disucssions.
No education means to FAA, you're only able to apply for a 3rd class. And even then you have to satisfy the HIMS psychiatrist and the sponsoring HIMS AME. And the pre-requisite for that is substantiated (not just claimed) abstinence for 2 years (Urine test program), 2 mtgs /wk logged AA attendance, you pretty much need an AA sponsor for serious self study, and then you run the gauntlet in front of the HIMS psychiatrst and Psychologist.
Tools is, I think writing about this in his last paragraph (and I'm ROTFLMAO)....but the HIMS psychiatrists are pretty darned tough. Tool's lawyer will get you nowhere with the "medical Standards" guys. It's how it is: they own the stadium, the ball and the league, and you want something from them (and they don't have to do ANYTHING). So you fill their squares, no matter what Tools or I think about what's really needed.