182 door post AD


Pre-takeoff checklist
Apr 24, 2017
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What’s contained in the repair kit for the door post, Sk182-115? I am about to order one and curious what it is. All three 182s inspected so far have this issue.
Seems like a lot of $ just for doubler plates. Nobody has a picture of the actual kit posted, hence why I asked.


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With just a quick look, it looks like a little more than that. Extruded channels, machined doublers, hardware...

btn83 provided all anyone should need, look at the parts list and figures.
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What’s contained in the repair kit for the door post, Sk182-115? I am about to order one and curious what it is. All three 182s inspected so far have this issue.

I just got around to reading the installation instructions for that kit..

OMG .... this is huge, if this becomes an AD, there will be a bunch of repair stations busy as hell.

short version = the whole forward cabin floor must be removed just to get to the work area.

This isn't some thing I would attempt with out a full repair station at hand.

Just one more advantage to owning a straight tail!

Doesn't apply.
You guys are worse than pre-pubescent girls. Act like grown men, both of you. You each have expertise to share, I’ve seen it and I enjoy it. Just please use the forum software and put one another on ignore. Or just go ahead and get yourselves permanently banned. You should be ashamed of high jacking and ruining every single good technical thread on POA.
You guys are worse than pre-pubescent girls. Act like grown men, both of you. You each have expertise to share, I’ve seen it and I enjoy it. Just please use the forum software and put one another on ignore. Or just go ahead and get yourselves permanently banned. You should be ashamed of high jacking and ruining every single good technical thread on POA.
Hey, give me some credit! I’ve ruined a few threads.
Hey, give me some credit! I’ve ruined a few threads.
I'll give credit where credit is due, How in hell do we get the moderators to do their freaking jobs and manage thread creap?
You guys are worse than pre-pubescent girls. .
Oh BS,, I reply in kind, why should I be required to with stand his false innuendos, and snide remarks? combined with his actuations of bad work, made up by his belief of evidence not given.
Was this concern for just 182’s or also other single engine strut style Cessna’s?
It starts with the late 172-N and goes to 182-E and several others.
The short version:
the inspection includes all aircraft with over 4k hours.
It requires repetitive inspections of the lower door post to wing strut conversion for cracks, if cracks are found it requires the kit be installed.
to read what that involves read the kit installation instructions
172-N = SK172-147
182-E and later = SK182-115
I'm saying this is a big deal.
Even if you have no cracks, the repetitive inspection is a PITA
Oh BS,, I reply in kind, why should I be required to with stand his false innuendos, and snide remarks? combined with his actuations of bad work, made up by his belief of evidence not given.

Don’t reply at all Tom. Can’t you see you’re being baited? Use the IGNORE feature if you want to stay here and enjoy it. Don’t leave your fate in the moderators’ hands, k? You’ve been here what, 12-13 years? C’mon man.

This ones for you - lyrics midway thru the song- “It's all about the he-says, she-says BS”:

The email I got doesn't include my serial, but the link Tom posted does. I'm over 11000TTAF. This is going to be a pricy annual
I'm trying

Click on the member’s avitar or user name. It’ll open a window, on the bottom right is an option to ignore. Click on it. There. No trying needed. You will never see any posts, as if that member did not ever exist or return.
Click on the member’s avitar or user name. It’ll open a window, on the bottom right is an option to ignore. Click on it. There. No trying needed. You will never see any posts, as if that member did not ever exist or return.
Well that's totally wrong. when you quote him I see it in your posts.
I had him on ignore for a while, that's why I know.
He has has a warning to be nice, But?
Well that's totally wrong. when you quote him I see it in your posts.
I had him on ignore for a while, that's why I know.
He has has a warning to be nice, But?

I did not know that. I’ve had 2 people on ignore in the past and never noticed that (sorry).
It starts with the late 172-N and goes to 182-E and several others.
The short version:
the inspection includes all aircraft with over 4k hours.
It requires repetitive inspections of the lower door post to wing strut conversion for cracks, if cracks are found it requires the kit be installed.
to read what that involves read the kit installation instructions
172-N = SK172-147
182-E and later = SK182-115
I'm saying this is a big deal.
Even if you have no cracks, the repetitive inspection is a PITA
Thanks Tom
Is this something I can inspect on my own? Looks like fairing and inspection panel is all.

Obviously the fix or prevention is an A&P item.
Can you install the kit even if there aren’t any cracks as a preventative measure?
That is inaccurate. The floorboards aren't removed, they are modified to gain access to the structure below.
In other words a big hole is cut to get to them. Ordered a kit from air power, seemed to be the cheapest. Now if I can get the flap follow cable on the 182L working right maybe It’ll be in the air sooner rather then later.
Well that's totally wrong. when you quote him I see it in your posts.
I had him on ignore for a while, that's why I know.
He has has a warning to be nice, But?
Tom, that was true of the old software, but not the new. You'll never see a blocked person's post, even when someone else quotes them.

I have exactly one person blocked and I couldn't tell you if he's posting or not these days. This software totally buries them.
There's already an oval access "hole" that gets (approximately) doubled in size. There are two separate floorboard modifications, per side.

Is the enlargement also for the inspection? Or just the kit install?