OK, I've been offline for a while looking into alternatives and it does look like we'll be flying our 172Q rather than going commercial or ground (yay!). Our current target arrival is the afternoon of
Tuesday 2/8. So now I'm back online gQQgling everything in sight.
Weather is your only worry for the trip.
Oh, I have plenty of other worries.
facilities, give them a call
Looks like we'll use
City Centre but the only phone number looks like after hours (Steve Maybee, Airside Ops Mgr 780 890 8597), so maybe I'll try during the day tomorrow unless someone suggests otherwise.
Edmonton can be incredibly cold
About 90F less than Santa Barbara first time I checked. Will be an interesting change of pace. I lived a few years in Smithers, BC and had often thought about going back there during Winter sometime having enjoyed -40F in my youth. Seems to be less humid there than Edmonton, so I'm curious what it will be like. We're trying to tell ourselves it's like FL or TX in Summer, where you have brief periods outside and are otherwise in climate controlled buildings/vehicles. Of course, in Smithers the vehicle would often have ice on the inside of the windshield if I sat in it waiting for warmup.
Thanks for the links. I hadn't thought of FlightAware in particular, as a way to reach the FBOs because I normally just use AirNav which of course hasn't heard of magnificent Canada (can you tell I'm excited?)!
cross the Continental Divide
Been starting to watch long-term wx forecasts, and those of course are of limited value this far out. Right now I'm thinking either up the central valley of CA/OR leaving Friday with possible overnights with family in San Jose, Portland, Seattle and (via Spokane) Cranbrook. Most likely on that route would be skipping Seattle to go via Spokane from Portland. Another option is direct SBA to Boise and then up the prairie side as you mentioned, but all of this depends on wx.
flying Club...might be able to do something about warming your airplane
Wonderful tip! I'd been wondering how much the FBOs would charge to put it in a hangar, but it would be great having actual pilots to talk with about it all (including club topics, since I was an officer in the SB club until we bought the 172Q in January).
multigrade oil ... cold can also trash your gyros
Since we hope to take off/fly only in air above freezing until Edmonton and just changed the oil, I've been wondering whether to stay with the 100 if we're going to be warming the whole plane before flight. You have me thinking about it again, and I'll ask my A&P. Thanks for the gyro, starting & braking tips too!
survival gear; it's mandatory here
I need to investigate the minimum. Since I'm staying within glide of highways and flying only above freezing day VFR, I've decided not to worry about it. Hopefully these words will not be cited in an Edmonton newspaper article.
international procedures/customs? ...$10K fine
Wish you could have heard the long sigh that evoked. Yes, I need to re-learn the arcane and draconian US regs and see what new trix they've dreamed up since last summer. yuk.
Fire questions I will do my best to answer
Like the other respondents you have reinforced my belief that the very best people are POA pilots.
liquid water in amongst the control surfaces which can then freeze
Even if we can wend our way through clear wx, I'd like to fly ~1.5kAGL along highways and avoid transitions from above to below freezing temperature to avoid that and the brake issue. We'll see, eh?
Love that site! I'd been using a variety of others, but hopefully this one will have better long-term forecasts written by people familiar with the area.
Thanks all, for the info, links & tips. Now I'm back to prep...