Filing Flight Plan
LJ...let me see if I can remember a few of the maintenance issues that have taken the Cirrus aircraft at my FBO down frequently:
* Brake overheating Cirrus aircraft are extremely sensitive to this
* Cracked cylinder head
* Massive oil leaks
* Broken alternator (Alt 2)
* Prop strike / nose gear destruction due to 1000 hour Cirrus pilot landing too fast (not exactly a maintenance issue, but did the design possibly contribute to this?)
Those are the ones that come to mind. There are others in my few short months. Not saying I have a scientific sample here...only that what I've observed is similar to what I read (33% downtime). As a brand, maybe they are a lot better. Still, at my airport the old, venerable 172's are down a lot less.
Most of it is related to the engine. The IO-360 and IO-540 burn oil. Brake overheating can happen in any airplane really, but due to the Cirrus saving weight and not having a steerable nose wheel, differential braking is used. New pilots to the Cirrus will overuse the brakes and ride them during taxi at high power settings. Lack of instruction, not design if used properly.
Energy management is something that can bit you in any airplane, the Cirrus lands a lot more flat than your Pipers and Cessnas, and excess airspeed on final can be dissipated if done properly, just like any other plane. Still poor planning on the part of the pilot and can happen in any airplane regardless of how much he has in type.