I am a student pilot, so please excuse my ignorance.
The Airplane Flying Handbook repeatedly says that you should fly final approach at 1.3 x Vs0. Vs0 in the 172R I am mostly flying is 33 kts. 1.3 times that is 43 kts. Nobody flies the approach that slowly in the 172, and I have been instructed to fly it at 65 kts, which works well.
Can someone explain the discrepancy to me? Does the 1.3 x Vs0 formula just not apply to a 172?
Thanks in advance.
What is your stall speed?
Take a photo of your airspeed indicator and look at the green and white arcs too (confirm they are correct, mine are not )
The most likely way you’ll end up in a fatal accident is a stall on landing or take-off. Sorry it has to be said, you have to realize the importance of stall speed.
Stay well above the stall speed, do not let your stall horn start blaring on approach or take off, know what to do to increase airspeed immediately if needed. Wings level! Bank angles increase your stall speed dramatically. That’s why instructors will give you a higher approach speed and tell you to not bank that much at lower altitudes.