You won't find one for $75K, though.
You mean,
"it's a big effin club.... and you ain't in it!"? Copy
. Which is why I made the thread in the first place. It does not escape me that singles meet my mission (except the overwater part, but that's a novelty bucket list I'll probably do on my own in a single and a raft, leave the wife and kid back home, much to her no-kidding chagrin).
If you had cheap fuel ($4/gal), you *might* be able to run a Twinkie for that much counting mx/fuel/insurance only. Figure maybe $70/hr for maintenance, $64/hr for fuel, and that leaves you with $3600 for insurance each year. Your first year's insurance might be more than that, but I think your second year would be within that figure. But, you'd have to be lucky enough to get one that's in really good shape and doesn't spring any surprises on you. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see that figure closer to $200/hr. And again, that depends on you having a source of cheap fuel. Getting one with tip tanks will help you there if there's a nearby airport where you can tank up.
Interesting numbers. Just for funsies I whipped out ye ol' spreadsheet and calculated my 5 year ledger on the Arrow. According to the truth data over 5 years of ownership, the thing cost me $60/hr in mx, $44/hr in gas and $9.70/hr in insurance. $113/hr for 982# useful and 594NM no-wind IFR range with reserves, WAAS, autopilot on less than 50K capitalization costs. No paint though.
Count my blessings indeed.
I'm puzzled about your insurance numbers though. Would it really cost someone with my flight experience over 4AMUs a year to insure a 75K-smooth-hull 4 banger twin, with a first year penalty to boot? I find that surprising. If true, certainly not something I had considered. And yes at that point the math doesn't work out. $36/hr for insurance is a non-starter. I can see that being reasonable for a heavy tailwheel warbird since I have none and no TW endorsement. But for a part 23/CAR twin as a mil-IP and ATP-MEL? Forget that noise.
Regarding your mission requirements: My useful is about 1250#, full fuel (90 gal), gives me 710# for passengers/bags and 170mph TAS (10-11k) and about 7 hrs of flying (minus reserves) at 12gph.
Um, you just described a Comanche 260B/C. I have it on good authority those are not $170/hr m/f/i airplanes, let alone $200/hr like you describe your PA-30 ownership. Not doubting your numbers since you're the one writing the checks, but I've owned Lyco 320s in the past. I'm just legitimately surprised an additional 320 has raised the cost of ownership so much for you over what essentially is a PA-24-260C.
"F" model Mooney. Most have a bit over 1,000 lb useful load, cruise at 145 KTAS on 9 GPH, have 64 gallons useable fuel and can be found for under $75k. You don't need 1,100 lb useful load in an F model Mooney since you don't need as much fuel for a given trip as brand C, P or B
An wing-smoothed Arrow by another name. Sat on them while shopping for my Arrow. Bit more speed, worse ergonomics, slightly worse power loading. I'd never pay 75 AMUs for a Mooney 20F or an Arrow for that matter.. I'm looking for something a bit more vertical in upgrade.
At any rate, I see you own a Baron. Is it a 55? Care to comment on what that thing runs you in mx only on a yearly amortized basis? I already know what they fuel burn, but I'm told the 95 and 55 are basically the same airframe. So figured sans the conti jugs and much more expensive overhauls, the airframe mx ought to be identical. Just trying to pin down a number since I haven't had the opportunity to meet a Travel Air owner and take a peek at their mx ledger.
--break break---
I really wish the damn Debbies weren't so CG challenged (470N-modded C33, or C33As; not the pig 225HP stock ones). It works for my mission on the load and endurance, but it falls on its @ss at landing
. I've seen some go for around my budget.
Ze search continues...