10 Myths About Learning to Fly

What's the difference between washing a plane at the airport and washing your car in the driveway?
What's the difference between washing a plane at the airport and washing your car in the driveway?

This should give you an idea. Basically the water has to be collected in a way approved by the EPA, if your airport doesn't have an EPA approved area ( many/most don't) no washing for you. Some are more strict than others with enforcing the rule.




The FAA says to check with your personal physician to determine if you are safe. And you do have to determine that you are safe medically - just like when you do have a medical.

...and after determining that you are not safe to fly you climb into your high kinetic mass land vehicle and "fly" down the road in close proximity to stationary objects and other high kinetic mass land vehicles with a relative closure rate of about 3 miles per second and a margin of collision error of around two and a half feet :yikes: