0/0 Takeoff

So you can land in weather that you cannot take off in? Most ILS's you can go down to 200 feet and half a mile viz.

Non sequitur. Nothing in this thread relates to landing.

You have operated both 135 and 121, if I recall correctly, and you know darn well that takeoff minima are way above landing minima for for-hire operations.


(Sarcasm alert!)

Thank you for pointing that out! I'm sure that the OP, who is a student pilot, is eager to learn about OpSpecs. A good subject for a pre-solo quiz, wouldn't you agree?


Guess I don't "get" your sarcasm. :dunno:
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I didn't do 0/0 takeoffs even during instrument training, and I would definitely NOT takeoff in those kind of conditions, unless it was life or death or something like that.
A PPL doing 0/0 sounds prett stupid.

The instrument training is just to provide basic skills, not inflate the head of some doctors and lawyers into thinking that not only can they fly IFR with out a rating, but also they can do 0/0 takeoffs.
A PPL doing 0/0 sounds prett stupid.
The instrument training is just to provide basic skills, not inflate the head of some doctors and lawyers into thinking that not only can they fly IFR with out a rating, but also they can do 0/0 takeoffs.

Inflate their head into thinking?????
If the so called smart educated people are in reality daft enough to hallucinate themselves into believing they are IFR and 0-0 takeoff experts from a single hooded takeoff or a couple hours under the hood, they're dumber than fake rocks and deserve what they get when they run into something hard and stationary..like the planet.

Summary #1: Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.

The object lesson here is beyond the simple caveman level observation that everyone is going on about. It's about the stuff you'll never find in a modern training manual or book because society no longer teaches beyond the blatantly obvious, immediate gratification and unconditional perfect safety mindset.
The 0-0 takeoff is not about operational capability in much the same way that guns are not about shooting people. It's about control, actual understanding and self discipline. It has absolutely nothing to do with taking off when you can't see the other side of the windscreen.

Summary #2: The real education is beyond the actual material covered in the lesson.
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Inflate their head into thinking?????
If the so called smart educated people are in reality daft enough to hallucinate themselves into believing they are IFR and 0-0 takeoff experts from a single hooded takeoff or a couple hours under the hood, they're dumber than fake rocks and deserve what they get when they run into something hard and stationary..like the planet.

Summary #1: Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.

The object lesson here is beyond the simple caveman level observation that everyone is going on about. It's about the stuff you'll never find in a modern training manual or book because society no longer teaches beyond the blatantly obvious, immediate gratification and unconditional perfect safety mindset.
The 0-0 takeoff is not about operational capability in much the same way that guns are not about shooting people. It's about control, actual understanding and self discipline. It has absolutely nothing to do with taking off when you can't see the other side of the windscreen.

Summary #2: The real education is beyond the actual material covered in the lesson.

If evolution were at work we'd have winnowed out the idiots a long, long time ago.

Ain't happenin.
If evolution were at work we'd have winnowed out the idiots a long, long time ago.

They are now a self protected species to insure they have time to breed the next generation before dying. After the first generation the inbreeding process begins. This has been going on for a while now.

Safety Third.
They are now a self protected species to insure they have time to breed the next generation before dying. After the first generation the inbreeding process begins. This has been going on for a while now.

So stupids only breed with stupids?


Haven't circulated much, have ya?
They are now a self protected species to insure they have time to breed the next generation before dying. After the first generation the inbreeding process begins. This has been going on for a while now.

Safety Third.

So THAT'S where we get banjo players!
Y'all must be a banjo picker! Of course most pickers are smarter than any politician or lawyer.