Pre-takeoff checklist
Just passed my “Double-I” checkride this week. I had taken the written 2 years ago this month but life got in the way and I didn’t have time to get around to taking a practical ride.
My word of advice, if you’re wanting to add that next rating, just buckle up and knock it out of the way. I decided in November that I was not going to take that written again for no good reason so I called a DPE, scheduled a last minute ride on a first available basis, waiting on a hopeful cancellation as their schedules were already booked into 2020. Started prepping in the Instrument Procedures Handbook and got the lucky phone call 9 days later saying there was an opening! The day of the checkride the wind was 18G30 and ceilings around 4,000.... 6 Hours later, I had that temporary certificate in hand! Knocked out the MEI ride in roughly the same way back in October. It’s satisfying to get those things behind you instead of just letting them linger around. It didn’t take months of studying, or hours a day, just some attention for about an hour a day after work and a few hours of brush up flying. After 7 checkrides now, they are no big deal.
Walk into the ride and talk to your passion, let the love of aviation shine through and you will make it a breeze. Even when you have a stumble, if you’re relaxed and confident, you can find the answers and the examiners pickup on it fast! Being a CFI myself and having students go into checkrides, I find the fear that many folks have on failing first time is negated with the right attitude. DPE’s and examiners are not looking to fail you, they want you to pass as much as you do.
My word of advice, if you’re wanting to add that next rating, just buckle up and knock it out of the way. I decided in November that I was not going to take that written again for no good reason so I called a DPE, scheduled a last minute ride on a first available basis, waiting on a hopeful cancellation as their schedules were already booked into 2020. Started prepping in the Instrument Procedures Handbook and got the lucky phone call 9 days later saying there was an opening! The day of the checkride the wind was 18G30 and ceilings around 4,000.... 6 Hours later, I had that temporary certificate in hand! Knocked out the MEI ride in roughly the same way back in October. It’s satisfying to get those things behind you instead of just letting them linger around. It didn’t take months of studying, or hours a day, just some attention for about an hour a day after work and a few hours of brush up flying. After 7 checkrides now, they are no big deal.
Walk into the ride and talk to your passion, let the love of aviation shine through and you will make it a breeze. Even when you have a stumble, if you’re relaxed and confident, you can find the answers and the examiners pickup on it fast! Being a CFI myself and having students go into checkrides, I find the fear that many folks have on failing first time is negated with the right attitude. DPE’s and examiners are not looking to fail you, they want you to pass as much as you do.