Just pointing out that things in hopes of getting folks to think. The feds sometimes don't always make sense especially when it comes to aviation and legal matters. Their philosophy seems to be legislate, aviate, navigate then communicate. I'm more than willing to play devil's advocate and or challenge the status quo if it gets people to think and seek a better understanding.
As an example consider stabilized approaches. Good idea and should be taught and emphasized in all airplanes. I've had many people tell me they don't need to fly a stabilized approach in a C172 because you can do all sorts of things on approach. I still insist on them flying stabilized approaches for none emergency landings or no sign off. Subsequently, when they checkout in the 182, they discover just how important this concept is. Everyone I've checked out in the 182 who did not have experience in heavier than 172 airplanes needed numerous stalls, approaches, and landings. To a person their comment was wow you weren't kidding when you said the 182 is nose heavy!
Again I go back to teach the right thing from the beginning. There are a number of sayings that are based on bent metal and blood bodies...hence before asking can I you better know if you should.