
  1. ArrowFlyer86

    [NA] Over engineered "improvements"

    <rant> In San Francisco this week and enjoying all the technological marvels our wizards of industry have to offer. Like my cutting edge hotel where to use the elevator I scan a key card or a phone, which usually works after 6 tries, and then key in the floor I want to go to on a touch screen...
  2. ArrowFlyer86

    Rant: Exercising PIC, no not that PIC

    JFC. Had an eventful morning. This is a rant. Accepted an invitation to fly with a guy who has a Dakota at a nearby field. It's a really slick plane with a new gps navigator and new paint (two things my plane doesn't have), so I said why not? Been jonesing to fly after my ear infection kept me...
  3. ArrowFlyer86

    [NA] Pay by the job or by the hour?

    TLDR: I got contracted to do fintech work for a financial firm from my past life. They actually will pay LESS for the job if you can get it done faster (the same job, no less quality). So even though I've done all the work and put a bow on it, I can't help them and deliver it sooner without...
  4. ArrowFlyer86

    [NA] The corporate hiring fallacy

    Not aviation related at all just a rant... My grievances with hiring in the corporate world can largely be boiled down to a bullet list, a chart and a question below. I'm interested in hearing counter arguments. The genesis of this is having holiday catch-up calls with former colleagues and...
  5. ArrowFlyer86

    Coddled college kids

    A bit of a rant here... So I noticed my neighbors are loading up a semi truck with a professional moving company. I thought "wow they're moving? I didn't even see a moving sign! They sold in a hurry". The fact that they recently remodeled made it kind of a double shocker. So I stopped by to...
  6. Sac Arrow

    [rant]This one not only do I not get, I don't even understand

    Yeah there is this new place next to the gym. Well it's in between the gym, an "eyebrow threading studio" (whatever the hell that is) and a Round Table Pizza. Okay it's... all... appetizers. That's it. Chicken wings. Not a single main course item on the menu. And it's actually open for indoor...
  7. Sac Arrow

    Bro what do you even mean? [rant]

    Drywall product? Feminine hygiene? Eyecare? Auto body? Asphalt repair? What the hell is an 'endpoint management solution?' Funeral home? Crematorium? Whatever it is, it's probably completely useless. It has so little point that they can't even come out and say what it is, not even in vague...
  8. Sac Arrow

    Sac's Rant Thread [rant]

    Apparently, I've been dropping the ball, and not five days ago in Time's Square. So, I'll just throw out a few of my latest rants here. The 2/3d's Rule Dr. Garstein is a professor of literary fiction. He can put the Hemingway in the sheet of stories sewn together in a fabric of words...
  9. Old97

    NA - Please sign here sir

    This is my biggest pet peeve. I’m an engineer. I work at an equipment manufacturer, so the documents my department creates become physical parts. So my signature is a gate towards building something. Another way to look at it is your mistakes are going to be a physical item in the shop for...
  10. Sac Arrow

    [rant]Just three lines...[/rant]

    It's a beautiful tool. It balances the checksums. It all adds up. It can multiply. It can do polynomials like they are paranormal. You can create a global climate model with it. I don't know why you would want to, I wouldn't. It can graph equations. But you can't add a g****amned horizontal...
  11. German guy

    [rant]Aircraft ‚sellers‘, mechanics and the difficulties of buying an airplane[/rant]

    This is the third time, my wife and I are in the market for a plane: The first one was a Cessna, then our Mooney and now something fun like a Kitfox or maybe a vintage aircraft. We probably all heard the advice of how to buy an airplane, if one wants to avoid almost certain financial disaster...
  12. Sac Arrow

    [rant]Reality TV Shows...

    I was going to post this in the Pet Peeves thread, but I feel it deserves a thread in its own. First of all, as a preface, I'm not a big time TV person and usually only watch it in the morning at the gym or maybe major sports events on the weekends. And I'm not big on reality TV shows either...
  13. Sac Arrow

    Okay... they finally bested me.

    Yeah, a donut. BUT YOU CAN'T EAT IT WITHOUT CUTTING IT! WTF? Are these people trying to drive me crazy?
  14. Sac Arrow

    [rant]The Burger Girl[rant]

    Somewhere in Northern California, two weeks ago... Okay so, alright. There is this burger place, okay Burger Place, it deserves to be called by a proper name, that is an upcoming soon-to-be iconic California tradition, much in the way Inn & Out is. But this place is better than Inn & Out. And...