
  1. ArrowFlyer86

    VFR minimums when flying the pattern

    I apologize if these are a little silly from a practical perspective but it's something I've wondered about, especially since the weather here has been completely terrible the last 3 weeks. Now after being grounded for a while -- even flying the pattern sounds appealing just to get out there...
  2. David Anthony

    Far Aim memorization list

    I am currently working on my CFI and have been building lesson plans. Through my lesson plan building, I have seen how many different FAR's are referenced on the lesson plans I bought (backseat pilot). Obviously I should know where to find my references and I have my far aim tabbed well, but...
  3. S

    FAR/AIM on Kindle?

    If anyone uses a FAR/AIM on Kindle,which version of the book from Amazon works best for reference? I am using a Kindle Paperwhite. I love the device, but my success being able to use visual content like maps or diagrams on it is 50/50. That's never been a problem when reading book content...
  4. Arnold

    Nice Chart of Air Regulation History

    This is from the FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook.
  5. PeterNSteinmetz

    Multiple 30 minutes segments above 12,500' prohibited?

    Does FAR 91.211 prohibit making multiple segments above 12,500 feet without supplemental oxygen in a single flight? Got into a discussion about this today. Here is the actual language from the FAR: "91.211 – Supplemental oxygen. (a) General. No person may operate a civil aircraft of U.S...
  6. G


    hi guys , im currently studying for my check ride and I couldn't get a straight answer from my instructor . 1. is it legal to use FAR/AIM to answer the examiner questions ? 2. when is it too much using of FAR in a check ride ? 3. if its legal to use FAR/AIM on an exam , can it be used on a...
  7. birdus

    No aerobatics below 1,500'?

    If I'm over the desert or miles from the nearest human being while over the forest, why does the government care if I do a loop or a roll at 1,000 AGL? https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/91.303