
  1. ArrowFlyer86

    [NA] Getting car running after sitting for years

    A family member owns a 5 year old Toyota Camry that has been sitting in the garage unused (not even turned on) in 4 years. They've offered it to me since they won't be driving again (too old - lost their license in 2019). My question to the mechanically inclined folks here... What sort of work...
  2. crash7

    Ford Fiesta parasitic draw on battery??

    My daughter has a 2014 Ford Fiesta. Got it 1 year ago and it had a new battery put on at that time. In the last month, it has been dead three times when she goes to start it. She generally drives every day, but each of these times the car did sit for 2-3 days. I'm having a shop look at it now...
  3. Arnold

    Nice Chart of Air Regulation History

    This is from the FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook.
  4. RJM62

    I Hate Mice

    I check under the hood of the car daily this time of year, when rodents too stupid to realize that things that move make for poor nesting locations tend to build nests in the engine department. I found no nests, but I found some nibbling. I applied a corrosion inhibitor and taped it up for...