Search results

  1. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Thanks everyone who has taken the surveys and/or provided input. Currently sitting at 110 survey completions on the knowledge test and 50 on the initial solo one.
  2. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    #1. Thanks for the feedback #2. Your last point is key. How many people really remember the % or #. Unless given right after the student solos and there is proper record keeping of all. Including your suggestion of % is not any more accurate. In this case giving a % or # is still a general...
  3. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    #1. Noted will do, thanks. #2. Noted but survey stands as it is with not including SP. I could have created one survey that was dynamic and asked the same questions if a person selected X amount of knowledge test taken. Which then grouped the survey based on each Knowledge test. With this being...
  4. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    You are correct I did omit sport from the knowledge test. You are making them inclusive of each other which they are not. Did not mean to make them directly confusing for the body. If it was for you I apologize.
  5. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    In your case your initial solo was for you Sports License. In your case yes there is not a "initial solo" when you did you PP training. So you would put your hours for the Sport and the plane it was taken in and any details you remember related to the initial solo. The survey is for "Initial...
  6. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    To which survey? 1st link or 2nd.
  7. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    No, I would not throw that one out. That is fully possible. I was low in solo hours and in total time with my license. The key thing here is what is "normal"? Like you said 8 seems nuts to you but it is not. I soloed in 13 working fulltime, wife and two kids and no prior aviation training. I...
  8. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Nothing major but will post the results here. I want to use it to help me practice in analytics with an area that I frequent which is aviation.
  9. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Oh and data is not thrown out for the heck of it and data is not literally thrown out. For example I have a question ask what make and model and one person just put PA. That is bad data. Is it PA28/PA32/PA18/PA34...So I can not use that one to see how many hours a person took to solo a certain...
  10. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    thanks for the honesty of not looking at the survey and feedback given. I love it .
  11. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Thanks, I copied it direct from an Aviation forum on facebook that I have posted in to save retyping and see the link is wrapped. I deleted that, so no issues now. This has not been an issue until now and it is resolved. I used forms because people are more familiar with office and I felt it...
  12. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Thanks, part of analytics is data cleanup. So if data is too crazy looking I throw it out. I am sure yours is ok but I will go through and clean it up. Thanks for taking them.
  13. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Not sure the issue. I have only had you and AggieMike88 mention that. I just tried on 6 different devices and all direct me to Microsoft office forms page. Thanks for trying to support. Thanks not sure why the redirect. The links are taking me to Microsoft on all the clicks. Thanks for trying...
  14. R

    Personal Aviation Survey for Knowledge Test and Initial Solo

    Hello all, I am a pilot and flight instructor, but my day job is within Software Development. I transitioned over to Data Analytics and Analytic Automation earlier this year. I have created two aviation related surveys .There are no Personal Identifiable Information items requested. The data I...
  15. R

    IFR Simulator that simulates GTN 650?

    I know this is an older thread but I use RealSim gear for two of my simulators. One has a G430/530 combo the other is a G1000 portable setup. I would use GTN650 from realsim gear and get RealityXP. You will be limited with database updates with RealityXP but you will get full functionality out...
  16. R

    Any retract tailwheel plane like the Globe/Temco Swift

    Thanks, things turned real left on this. I thought "Not looking for the big boys like the Staggering" set the standard but I guess not. I like all the mentions but seriously want suggestions on practical planes for everyday flying. I was really trying to find a family plane that is a GA...
  17. R

    Any retract tailwheel plane like the Globe/Temco Swift

    I have searched around and seem to only find Globe/Temco Swift as a GA aircraft that is a tailwheel along with retracts. Are there any others out there? Not looking for the big boys like the Staggering :)...
  18. R

    Using friends plane but issue while using plane. Provide some feedback...

    I know there is a lot to this story and I did not go into all the details just out of not having a novel. He drove under choice of his own, I did not ask. I had my father-n-law about 15 minutes away with a car that I was going to drive. I honestly felt the owner wanted to come anyway, so he...
  19. R

    Using friends plane but issue while using plane. Provide some feedback...

    Yep, and yes I am going to stick to my current flight school for renting, until I get my own plane and leave the using a persons plane for anything other than helping them out for the birds :). Yes all good things break and the expectation I have for treating people and this situation if...
  20. R

    Using friends plane but issue while using plane. Provide some feedback...

    Thanks, I know I did the right thing and I do not feel bad. Just wanting others input to help understand it all and see different inputs. I am new to the flight area but not new to letting people borrow items and me borrowing items and doing what is right on my end as the person who provided the...