Search results

  1. sddiver

    Pilot training in South Africa

    Join Plus One Flyers, right here in SD ... largest flying club in the world with a fleet of almost 70 airplanes at 4 area airports. $34 monthly dues and affordable rental rates, even compared to other parts of the country. You can rent a 60HP 172 for $100.00/hr. Pick a flight instructor, lots...
  2. sddiver

    Add a rotating beacon

    Oh and the reason I asked my initial question was because eventually I'd like to stop renting and start owning and was wondering what the options were then. Thanks for all your answers. Much appreciated.
  3. sddiver

    Add a rotating beacon

    Thanks. Yes that is my habit in all the club planes I'm currently checked out to fly (Cessnas, Archers, and Arrows). They all have a rotating beacon and strobes. Strobes are off until taking the active (or when crossing a runway). However, I'm looking to transition to the club's Diamond and...
  4. sddiver

    Add a rotating beacon

    Not sure it matters. But maybe it does. Let's pick the Diamond for example since we have one in the club.
  5. sddiver

    Add a rotating beacon

    Is it legal to have a rotating beacon installed on an airplane that doesn't have one? Most experimentals don't have one. Neither do Cirri or Diamonds. Not a fan of taxiing around with strobes on.
  6. sddiver

    Do Foreflight Planning on PC Platform, Finally!

    SkyVector has a "send to" ForeFlight function as well. If you're working on your plan on a PC, you can send an email link that you can open on your iPad; if you have the plan open in SkyVecor on the iPad, then it can open it in ForeFlight directly.
  7. sddiver

    How to land a 737 (Nervous Passenger Edition)

    Private pilot flying an airliner (737-200 full motion level D simulator): Non-pilot and private pilot landing it:
  8. sddiver

    Stopping the bleeding

    Let me help you. He's being taken for an expensive ride. He's performing to PTS, he's soloed and done his xc. What's left is to get that checkride done and then worry about mastering the radio ect.
  9. sddiver

    Stopping the bleeding

    Stories like this really pi$$ me off. Flying lessons are not designed to make you perfect but to make you safe and meet the practical test standards. I suspect you've long been there and you're your instructor's cash cow. Fire him and get one that will finish you up in a weekend. All you...
  10. sddiver

    Threat to aviation, please help

    I signed it (or something similar to it) a few months ago and just last week received an email from California's senior US senator: [emphasis mine; typos hers]
  11. sddiver

    Memory aid for altitude

    I find it useful to set my heading bug to the ATIS/AWOS wind direction.
  12. sddiver

    ATC Privatization

    Good news? Bold emphasis mine.
  13. sddiver

    Student Pilot Certificates

    To get a certificate number that goes into the airman database. Just a guess.
  14. sddiver

    aviation weather decision making tor the student PPL

    As an IR student I'm currently learning tons about weather that is overkill for VFR pilots. For my VFR flying I want to know about winds/gusts and about low clouds. For this information I have found no better source than It gives you the current situation and the...
  15. sddiver

    Another "how do I log this" question

    Incorrect. Refer to the CFR that I posted above.
  16. sddiver

    Another "how do I log this" question

    14 CFR Part 61, section 1.b.3 (3) " Cross-country time means--" ii "For the purpose of meeting the aeronautical experience requirements (except for a rotorcraft category rating), for a private pilot certificate (except for a powered parachute category rating), a commercial pilot...
  17. sddiver

    Oh, Great! A Winged Drone

    Very true. Have experienced it myself. Just recently with an eagle at 12 o'clock same altitude opposite direction. They dive you climb.
  18. sddiver

    Anyone still use VORs?

    For VFR for me, it's ForeFlight on IPad as primary navigation and IPhone as backup. I tune the VORs in for practice only.
  19. sddiver

    NA - Replacing Your Cellphone With a Smartwatch?

    Agreed. I like the Apple Watch for flying as well. Although I do think ForeFlight can do better than their current incarnation of their watch app. I've pinged them about including frequencies (atis/gnd/twr) and they said they'll put it on their list of requests. Another aviation app I like on...
  20. sddiver

    Xc sim time?

    FAR 61.1(b)... (3) Cross-country time means (b) conducted in an aircraft (it won't let me put an upper-case b without changing it to a smiley of sorts)