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  1. S

    Landing surprise today

    I'm going to have to talk to my instructor about this. Makes sense but I almost never release back pressure on landings until we've slowed down and lift is almost gone. I'm thinking this could have been my error...
  2. S

    Landing surprise today

    Thanks everyone for your input. I'll provide a little more detail since I've read the replies. 1.) When I land I generally DO NOT get on the brakes when I get on the ground. I let it slow down on its own unless we are doing short field work. (I'm at a 2800 ft strip with no taxi way)...
  3. S

    Landing surprise today

    I went up with my instructor today and we had about a 7-8 knot crosswind component and pretty decent turbulence on final today. The landing had me touching down with the upwind wheel first with a an ok if slightly stiff landing. A short ground roll later, maybe 20 feet, we were suddenly...