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  1. jspilot

    What taxiway to use when getting off the runway?

    It was just more of a general comment. I had a guy when I landed at Hyannis Mass a few months back start grilling me the second I touched down about what FBO I was going to and I was still not off the runway. Sometimes my experience is that controllers want to be helpful but unless they are...
  2. jspilot

    What taxiway to use when getting off the runway?

    Tell the guy in the the tower to “standby” and he will. No reason for the controller to be giving any instructions while you are touching down. I’ve told the tower to “standby until I’ve exited the runway” and they always are ok with it.
  3. jspilot

    Daily Pic

    Trying to upload some pictures but they all are rotated sideways for some reason. Never had this problem here before. Any ideas?
  4. jspilot

    What a ride it has been

    Jordan- from a fellow Long Island pilot— hang in there buddy. Seems like the whole airline industry right now is just playing a waiting game and you have a great attitude while all this shakes out. Are you still doing any flight training? It’s a long way from the right seat of a Delta jet or...
  5. jspilot

    MSFS2020 Disappointment thread

    Got to say- I am one who was heavily influenced by the earlier flight sim games when I was a kid and this version takes many steps forward with the graphics and visuals but I totally agree that, as a game it’s really awful. What is beyond understanding is how unfinished the game feels and how...
  6. jspilot

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    the problem is not that they are too sensitive it’s that’s they have such absurd lag that you are descending on the glide path at like 700 feet per minute and if you try and level the decent you can’t round off with any power because by the time the nose reacts you’ve lost like all the altitude...
  7. jspilot

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    Got this game and played it a lot the past two days( weather was not good enough for actual flying...). I have a pretty good gaming computer( bought it last year) and the game works pretty well. I bought the middle level of the game so to get the Cessna 172. That being said, after about 6...
  8. jspilot

    Daily Pic

    Might need a refresher on the 250 speed limit under 10,000!! Hahaha My best ground speed in a 172 was around 160 knots in the cruise.
  9. jspilot

    Daily Pic

    Trying to get this thread back to the first page. Got these on my trip to KORH Worcester Mass. was a beautiful flight as the clouds were building. First is a sad picture of a virtually abandoned terminal( pre virus was somewhat active)second one is of the clouds building and the attachment(...
  10. jspilot

    How forgiving is a DPE?

    Best advice I got pre check ride nearly 8 years ago, came from my instructor who said “ The DPE knows way more than you about airplanes so don’t try and impress him. Just show what you know and know that you know enough for me to send you to him.” If you really think about that it makes total...
  11. jspilot

    But in this case— again if you took off from Islip you got a code from clearance delivery before you took off and stayed on that code for the entire flight to the practice area and now, once you are trying to return to the airport they already know where you are. When you climb out of Islip...
  12. jspilot

    Ok no worries. I’m just trying to be as specific to this situation at KISP since I actually have lots of experience at this particular airport. I figured that would be most helpful to the OP or anyone else who sees this whenever they come across it.
  13. jspilot

    You don’t need to tell them where you are if you took off from a class C they already gave you a squawk code and know exactly where you are. If you are training out of KISP it is likely you took off from there. That’s why I wrote “To re-enter” a class C.
  14. jspilot

    In the pattern you’d be talking to the tower! So no difference at all between any airport. The class C ring by Islip ends right on the south shore. It’s about a 5 minute flight to the south practice area and about 8 minutes to the North practice area. But again it’s not like people are doing...
  15. jspilot

    I trained out of KISP and it’s a Southwest Airlines airport. In fact on my first solo I had a 737 chasing me on final— it was amazing! Anyway, one time had a Southwest holding short for me to land. After touching down the captain chimed on the radio- “ That was worth the wait there Cessna.”...
  16. jspilot

    This is not true at all. Getting into Islip requires listening to the ATIS and calling a very accommodating NY approach who almost always gives you a vector into the pattern( not always the case right now with COVID due to less controllers working.). NY air traffic control is probably the best...
  17. jspilot

    Yeah this is really true. I’ve trained out of Islip and it is really not a big deal at all. They have commercial traffic but often it’s really just a large GA airport. The benefits have been pointed out above and I know you won’t be disappointed if you train at KISP
  18. jspilot


    I trained at Heritage at KISP. Not cheap but really excellent! If you are looking to save train our at KISP. From what I’ve been told, KFRG gets insanely busy( I’ve watched YouTube videos that confirm this.). Remember you start paying as soon as that engine starts so if you are number 10 for...
  19. jspilot

    MIT Researcher: Subways Seeded COVID-19 Epidemic in NYC

    I commuted everyday on the subway for work when I was still commuting to my job. I stopped using the subway about two weeks before they shut down my school( mid March.) Looks like I made the right call. Started using the CITI bike system instead. It was such an obvious call even for me to...
  20. jspilot


    The government just handed out checks to people to stay home and is providing holdover loans so people keep their business open and paying employees. Stats in New York City show the crime rate during this pandemic is actually going way down. I’m concerned because in both cases( the impacts of...