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  1. westslopeco

    Colorado Pilots: Saturday 24 Mar 2012

    Sorry I missed this, I was TDY in Moab this weekend mountain biking. I made the mistake of demoing a new bike (mine is 10 years old) and ended up buying a new bike. Took a big chunk out of my flying fund :nonod:. Looking forward to the next CO POA event though! Also wanted to mention to...
  2. westslopeco

    Rental choices near Ft. Collins, Colorado?

    Sounds like fun! Salida is still on my list to visit.
  3. westslopeco

    Trivia Rant Thread

    How about the constant mispronunciation of the word "height?" It is not heighth but height, with a hard "T" at the end. Just because we have width, and length, does not mean we have heighth.
  4. westslopeco

    Dog Rescue Flights

    Having hiked up a few 14ers with my dog, I imagine nothing special.
  5. westslopeco

    Dumbest thing you have done and lived to tell about it

    Ok, while not life threatening, stupid all the same... On the way back from the $200 hamburger run to Saratoga, Wy today, I jokingly said over the intercom (as we were climbing out) : "This is your captain speaking, thanks for joining us for the short flight to Steamboat Springs...yada, yada...
  6. westslopeco

    Are people always stupid near trains?

    I actually stop farther back than that. About 8 years ago I saw the aftermath of a derailment of one of the coal trains that go back and forth on the local tracks. Apparently the train car had derailed up the track a bit from the grade crossing, and when the car hit the crossing, well that is...
  7. westslopeco

    Landing at KTEX

    Might be a good Colorado POA lunch fly in!
  8. westslopeco

    Fatal in Hayden Feb 19, 2012

    Yes the snow total was accurate as reported. Steamboat tends to be pretty honest, they even reported dumps of 1/4 inch this year :) The other thing to remember is that all snow storms are different. This was a warm storm dropping large quantities of large flake snow. This creates a very...
  9. westslopeco

    Fatal in Hayden Feb 19, 2012

    That's what I thought, but I'm not instrument rated so I wasn't sure if I was missing something.
  10. westslopeco

    Fatal in Hayden Feb 19, 2012

    Today, around 3:30pm lcl, a twin cessna 414A made an approach into HDN that resulted in a hard landing, two deaths and the other four occupants injured and in the hospital. Weather conditions about the time of the accident: "KHDN 192235Z AUTO 29010G14KT 1/4SM OVC004 M02/M03 A2962 RMK AO1". One...
  11. westslopeco

    Just how mild has your winter been?

    Winter has been very mild here also. We are sitting at a season to date snow total of only 127". Just for comparison, last season we got over 450", and average is in the mid to high 300" range. The ski resort overspent their snowmaking budget this year, but manmade snow was the only reason...
  12. westslopeco

    Your Dumbest Benign Moment

    Of course there is the ubiquitous "67C is left final for XX" :redface:
  13. westslopeco

    Checkride passed- I'm a private Pilot!!!

    Congrats, Now go fly for the fun of it...and take a passenger!
  14. westslopeco

    GoPro HD Hero2 Resolution Settings

    While you are checking out Oliver's setup, also check out his videos. He has made some of the best GA videos out there, well edited, good choice of audio (not just the drone of the engine), and excellent points of view. Some airplane videos out there I can only make it through 30 seconds or...
  15. westslopeco

    So tell me about Bend, OR

    Both good things to me!
  16. westslopeco

    So tell me about Bend, OR

    Thinking about a move West. What do you all know about Bend. Real Estate looks to be reasonable. What about the GA scene?
  17. westslopeco

    Paint job on my 182

  18. westslopeco

    The cost of water

    Here you go
  19. westslopeco

    Correct me If I am wrong.

    But what does the FAA consider to be "close proximity"? :D
  20. westslopeco

    First solo in Wisconsin

    As long as the airport ( and pattern altitude) was in G airspace, they would have been legal, no? And congrats on the solo. Sure is a good feeling! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk