Search results

  1. PBristolJr

    For Sale: 1976 Cessna 150M - Low Times! - $35,000

    91U will be heading to her new home on Monday.
  2. PBristolJr

    Clarity Aloft Headset (Ear bud versus Ear Covering)

    Clarity Aloft seems to be more durable in their cords and actual headset piece. I would spend the extra coin on the CA.
  3. PBristolJr

    Clarity Aloft Headset (Ear bud versus Ear Covering)

    I've tried the Clarity Aloft, and the QT Halo in Cessnas, Pitts S2B, J3, and a Lancair. They're great for shorter hops but after about 2 hours my ears wanted to set the damn things on fire. I went on to buy the Bose A20 and sell both of the in-ear headsets. In the Pitts (which is a noisy SOB.)...
  4. PBristolJr

    First solo oooops

    Congrats on the solo!
  5. PBristolJr

    Another Big-Cabin Twin

    And the 14,000 TT.
  6. PBristolJr

    PIC After a LONG Break - Hire Me!

    I know quite a few your age and older who flight instruct.
  7. PBristolJr

    Flight Aware and Souls On Board

    To see if anyone fell out.
  8. PBristolJr

    Inadverdent spin entry..........

    Yes, or get out and lean on the canard!
  9. PBristolJr

    Checkride - Brainfart and Full Rundown

    Get Foreflight on your iPhone (hoping you have one..) BOOM diversions are now easy ;)
  10. PBristolJr

    The need for speed?

    Both of these numbers recorded going straight down :rofl:
  11. PBristolJr

    Student "instructor"

    I hope he's logging the dual given in his students logbook with his student pilot cert number.
  12. PBristolJr

    Flew the 152 solo today

    Even at 6'3" 190 I still enjoy a 150/152 more than a 172.
  13. PBristolJr

    Aint' got no gas in it

  14. PBristolJr

    Busting Obama's Airspace Today

    That would have to be a Citation, since the F16 won't put along at 90kts.
  15. PBristolJr

    1st plane?

    Kingsley Field, yes. I know quite a few guys who flew vipers there back in the 90's. Here's a picture of the mighty 150 at Kingsley before flying it home to KLOU.
  16. PBristolJr

    1st plane?

    Gliders are great, or learn to fly in a J3 Cub or similar!
  17. PBristolJr

    1st plane?

    Head to the airport and start flying Samuroot2801
  18. PBristolJr

    1st plane?

    P-51 with dual props. Excellent starter plane.
  19. PBristolJr

    Cessna Mustang vs. TBM 850

    Two questions: Are you adopting? And.. Are you hiring? :wink2: