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  1. PBristolJr

    Flight with Aggie Mike

    This is hilarious, and could be turned into a viral Chuck Norris email easily :rofl:
  2. PBristolJr

    Deregistered Aircraft

    And I'm sure in the time he owned it they wanted absolutely nothing to do with the plane..
  3. PBristolJr

    4 approaches and a "for real" missed with video! 2014 got off to a great start!

    Interested in seeing your video, but the link doesn't work. Edit: Found your channel on another post:
  4. PBristolJr

    Your perfect flying club would have what planes in teh hanger?

    F-16 F-15 F-22 Cessna 150
  5. PBristolJr

    Multi raiting

    Twinstar because it's newer and probably quite a bit less beaten.
  6. PBristolJr

    If you could pick one training book....

    Pick the VOR you want to fly to and turn the course card 180 degrees, fly the selected heading and track the CDI.
  7. PBristolJr

    If you could pick one training book....

    Turn the needle until the CDI is centered with a FROM indication. Pull out your map and draw a line from coming off of the VOR on that radial, do this with 2 VOR's, find where they intersect and that's where you're located.
  8. PBristolJr

    If you could pick one training book....

    You can never have too many aviation books.. But I've loaned my old Rod Machado's Private book out to many friends, I think it's a greater starter book that doesn't bore the reader to death immediately.
  9. PBristolJr

    one for one

  10. PBristolJr

    I was reading up some in my book and had some questions....

    Easiest way to see AGL vs MSL:
  11. PBristolJr

    Is an airplane that's never pre-heated safe to fly?

    If it's a rental from an FBO wouldn't it be in their best interest to have a line guy run out there to pre-heat it?
  12. PBristolJr

    Ice Melt?

    Crampons should do the trick ;)
  13. PBristolJr

    Who here races autocross or open track road course

    Now get on that magic E85 to make some big power!
  14. PBristolJr

    Who here races autocross or open track road course

    Something about pilots and going fast :confused:
  15. PBristolJr

    Flying a pattern with only trim?

    Very unlikely, but it's good to practice things like this so you can really see the relationship between pitch, power, and airspeed especially during climbs and descents.
  16. PBristolJr

    Flying a pattern with only trim?

  17. PBristolJr

    Flying a pattern with only trim?

    Yes, you can do it without touching the yoke at all, just use the rudder to turn.
  18. PBristolJr

    Damn, this guy is good!

    When he can do that with a fixed wing I'll be impressed.
  19. PBristolJr

    Stories about your CFI

  20. PBristolJr

    Two jets are better than one.

    Until the Viper came around :rolleyes: