Search results

  1. ColoPilot

    Emotional support pets...

    While I think people are abusing the "emotional support animal" rules, the airlines have brought some of this on themselves by increasing their fees for bringing pets. The fees for a cabin pet under the seat in front of you is $125 each way, probably more than some people paid for their human...
  2. ColoPilot

    Phone case

    Hmm, either I had a coupon code or they raised their prices, I only paid 23 I wouldn't have done it for 35
  3. ColoPilot

    Phone case

    You're probably right, in the few weeks I've had it nobody has inquired what the strange symbols are. But I like it better than the plain black one I had before.
  4. ColoPilot

    Phone case

    I found a phone case for pilots who really want everyone to know they're a pilot -- a case with a VFR sectional printed on it -- and the cool thing is you can pick which airport you want the sectional centered on. So if my gps goes out on the way back to my home airport, I can just whip out my...
  5. ColoPilot

    Yukon is unhappy... again...

    Nate decided to lower it instead, since he lives on a washboard dirt road in Kansas.
  6. ColoPilot

    Kid Scams

    I had a newspaper route -- that taught me a lot about business and how to screw the "independent contractor". The newspaper would telemarket people to sign up for the paper. The carriers would get a list of subscribers and papers dropped on our driveway every morning to deliver -- but we were...
  7. ColoPilot

    Kid Scams

    Don't forget all the little scam ads in the back of magazines: a survival knife for only 9.95 that turns out to be plastic metal, xray glasses, "valuable" collector coins for only the cost of S&H....
  8. ColoPilot

    Pop Soaked car cushions ???

    Thanks for using "pop", people who use "soda" are weird. Anyone who says "soda pop" is over 90.
  9. ColoPilot

    NA - Retirement recon? NA

    I am not close t retirement (unless I come across the winning lotto ticket), but it is the inflation piece that would concern me. If you retire this year with $100,000/year in retirement income, with 3% inflation you'll need almost $250,000/year for equivalent purchasing power after 30 years...
  10. ColoPilot

    NA - Retirement recon? NA

    Hmm, an interesting quote from someone who killed themselves at 67...
  11. ColoPilot

    How to determine who wins an argument?

    Nobody wins an argument on the internet, because nobody will ever change their position. Everyone just keeps shouting the same thing over and over until they shut down the spin zone.
  12. ColoPilot

    NA - Thinking about a bucket truck

    I've always heard diesel engines are more reliable than gas but I never understood why (I have no experience with diesel anything). Are diesels just built better or is there some inherent flaw in gas engines that limit their reliability?
  13. ColoPilot

    Frequency change when departing D

    Haha! I'm going to start using "last call" as I depart an airspace, but I'm going to use "alcohol" instead of "alpha" for my tail number. "Podunk traffic, last call for bugsmasher 151 al-key-hall"
  14. ColoPilot

    Somebody pork butted on my kitchen counter

    Pork looks good, but how did the cat taste?
  15. ColoPilot

    The oddities this week for Tesla...

    Model S and X get some predefined amount of free super charging a year, but the Model 3 owners have to pay per kw. I was just curious how much it would cost to do a longer trip.
  16. ColoPilot

    The oddities this week for Tesla...

    Do you know what does it cost to "fill up" at a SuperCharger for the model 3?