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  1. Shipoke

    Where Am I

    NO CLUE..................... Dave G
  2. Shipoke

    New guy!! If you have a minute..

    Well Jesse2(too) or what ever, WELCOME TO PoA. As you can see we are a friendly bunch and willing to provde guidance where needed or wanted. Join in anytime and also try the Chatroom, we have lots of fun there and will try to answer any questions in real time. Dave G.
  3. Shipoke

    What A Great Day To Fly.

    Geico, it sounded like a good day. Mine was spent in bed, sick as a dog. And Dreaming about FLYING. Dave G.
  4. Shipoke

    Cutest Video EVER!

    Both are CUTE but i'm going with Louie Armstrong.................... love that song Dave G
  5. Shipoke

    Happy Birthday Kevin!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN, Darn your getting old (LOL) Dave G.
  6. Shipoke

    Dazzle camo

    Some of those look really neat Dave G.
  7. Shipoke

    Why always to the bottom?

    Must besomething in your puter, mine works fine everytime Dave G.
  8. Shipoke

    Have you ever "Busted Bravo"?

    I'm flying out to G05 Saturday and i am hoping that i don't . G05 is under the shelf and i think shouldn't be a problem. But i will have FF and be talking to Pittsburgh anyway. I'll let you know how it goes. Dave G
  9. Shipoke

    AirVenture NOTAM Survey

    Well Pete that might work ,BUT having the NOTAN and obeying it is a differant store. IMHO wouldn't solve anything. I flew in there couple times by myself and with Ed G. and never had a problem. :blueplane: Dave G.
  10. Shipoke

    no foggles needed

    Well Dave if it's that low i dont need to be flying. Dave G
  11. Shipoke

    Class B

    Well Terry, as far as i'm concerned you dont need to apolgize, If you cant ask a question here where can you this is supposed to be a FRIENDLY forum and you should not get battered for asking. I personally think asking questions here enlighten all of us. Some of the people here never flew into...
  12. Shipoke

    North East Flyers-February Event

    Gary i'll try to make it . As long as thats not my weekend on call. I'll let you know later Feb. schedule hasn't been made up yet. Dave G
  13. Shipoke

    Feds fault NASCAR, pilots in fatal Sanford crash

    I Definately agree, and as you can see it has me seeing RED. i do not belong to a flying club, but i do have another person that uses my plane and if something is wrong with it, IT DOES NOT FLY.:nono: i beleive in keeping me and others safe and if that means canceling a flight so be it. David J...
  14. Shipoke

    Kutztown N31 - closure NOTAM issued.

    I'm going to miss Kutztown N31 had a bunch of GOOD meals there. And as far as the wavy runway it gave the place a differant ambeiance,now i guess i'll have to find somewhere else to go for the $100 hamburger. Dave G.
  15. Shipoke

    Are Pilots Crazy?

    This is true of jump planes ghery atleast the ones i've seen Dave G.
  16. Shipoke

    Are Pilots Crazy?

    I Myself see no good reasn to jump from a perfectly good airplane. Especially in that cold of temps. Dave G.
  17. Shipoke

    One for the guys...

    I Want to be both...............................Lots of Hot chicks and Lots of airplanes. But till i hit the Lotto ,i guess i'll just be ME Dave G
  18. Shipoke

    Are Pilots Crazy?

    Well John, I'm not a shrink but i do have a opinion on this. We are born into this world to live up to our potentials. Some people live their live in their own little boxes,some people don't want to experance anthing new. I myself like to live life to it's fullest if that makes me Crazy well...
  19. Shipoke

    One of our own

    Well Chris i'll add my Glad You made it safe, and if your the the Harrisburg area give me a call and i'll buy you a drink. You not only had a safe landing but watching to video you made the right choice and did avaition GOOD. It's nice to see a story where the pilot and plane had minimal damage...