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  1. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Well Adam , Someone checked on Ins. and they where told around $10,000 to cover everything for the day (little out of our price range). But we are hoping some Org. will step up
  2. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    That defeats the reason we do it Adam. We started out as Spina-Bifida Fly-in and opened it up to ALL Special Needs people.We feel that that all the Special Needs Kids (of all ages) deserve a GOOD DAY. I just wish we could find someone that would cover the Ins. We can not afford it ourselves as...
  3. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    YES It was this event, and the pilots name was Jack, He used to fly in from Mich. for our event. This is the reason i got my ticket and bought my plane.
  4. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Well i got a Email that says they are cancelling our fly-in. The EAA wont insure it unless we limit the kids to the ages of 8 to 17. We have special needs kids that are older then that so they have to cancel it. Thyed to get Ins. elsewhere but it would cost to much. I'm really going to miss this...
  5. Shipoke

    Piper Pitot/static mast

    Joe I'll check my POH and see if they have one there. Dave G
  6. Shipoke

    They are all up!

    Well David great pics. and i like your website. I myself am a Young Eagle Pilot and have150+ kids flown (not including this years Special Needs Fly-in). I'm really glad that someone else has the passion to get Kids OFF THEIR ASSES. And i thank you. David J Gaiski:blueplane:
  7. Shipoke

    Night Training

    Well i'll agree sounds like it was a good flight experence. Keep up he good work and tells us about it . Dave G
  8. Shipoke

    Lousy Photography - - - - -

    Well i liked the Pics. anyway . Thanks for posting Dave G
  9. Shipoke

    I need a favor

    A buddy wanted Danica Patricks autograph when my buddy Tim was at the Indycar race in Ohio . He didn't get it (never saw danica ) so he bought a pair of checkered panties and a post card and we are sending it to John by mail and signing it with her name and saying she didnt have any pictures...
  10. Shipoke

    I need a favor

    Thanks For the intrest, I have this being taken care of . THANKS AGAIN Dave G
  11. Shipoke

    The unclub unpartnership?

    Mike thats what i do. I have Tim named on my Ins. and he pay for his expenses and the tiedown for the use of it. if you need more info how it working call me 717-554-8247 Dave G
  12. Shipoke

    I need a favor

    I guess nobody lives n Indana Dave G.
  13. Shipoke

    New member and student

    Hello Swede and Welcome here too. Keep us informed on how the training is going. we like hereing about people doing what they have dreamed of . Dave G P.S. what is your name we are a frindly group and i like knowing who i'm talking too. P.S.S. join us in the chatroom also.
  14. Shipoke

    I need a favor

    I need someone that lives in Indana to do me a favor. we are playing a joke on a friend and need someone to send a package to him. If you are willing to help Email me at with your phone number and i'll tell you what we are doing. Thank You in advance Dave G
  15. Shipoke

    Dinner in Cape May (WWD) ?

    Wish i could Gary. But my buddy Tim has my plane in Ohio for the Indycar Race. Maybe next time Dave G.
  16. Shipoke

    ..Tell me about Mooney

    Well Jesse Ed Guthrie has a 1977 M20J-201 and he LOVES it and i have about 10 hours in it and if i didn't own my Warrior i'dprobably have a 201. Also my buddy Rick has a newer 201 and he love his too. Dave G.
  17. Shipoke

    US History tour--need advice

    Well john i can make another suggestion city...Harrisburg Pa............. we have a lot of things around here like the Civil War Musuem,a bridge that was blownup to keep the Rebels from crossing the Susquehanna river and if you'ld like Baltimore is not that far away ,also Gettysburg battle field...
  18. Shipoke

    My Mom is Dying

    My heart and prayers go out for you and the family Barry. Dave G
  19. Shipoke

    Happy Birthday Spike

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.............. Dave G:blueplane:
  20. Shipoke

    Conducting Clan-Destin ops

    Hey Dave WE WANT PICTURES. BTW drink one for me too.doesn't lok like i'll get vacation this year(maybe late summer). Dave G:blueplane: