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  1. S


    ...found the Ptt portable button. Actually got 2 to make sure there is a backup until the main one gets fixed. Thank you for the suggestion. Hopefully this is what we think this is and problem solved
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    Not sure: he says it has a button but he has not tried it. Where can he get a portable PTT?
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    So I totally don't know what I am talking about. My son was flying his Aerobat ( 150 engine, extended gas tanks. He noticed couple of days ago that radio was acting wonky. Next flight everything was OK. Today again but this time tower could not hear him and hand radio was not that helpful. He...
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    So we did find a plane we like. The Pre-buy showed one low cylinder compression 45/80 ( will be repaired by seller) and elevator is also being repaired. I am not sure of the timelines. Thoughts?
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    Thank you. This is really helpful
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    The " mostly mature " quip has to of with his GF choices, lol. When it comes to flying he is "Iceman". By the book. He knows his life depends on the weight balance so "passangers' is the part I am not worried about . If we buy the plane I would be flying home via Delta unless as you say we do...
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    So we heard from the owner. Looking at logs. 2 of the cylinders ( 3 and 4)are at 60 and 53 compression. Frankly I would not want my kiddo test flying with those complressions and the other 2 are at 70 & 77. My son believes the cost of replacement with work may be around 6K? I emailed folks who...
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    Not familiar with FliteLiner. We are looking at affordability and also "insidiously" as a parent of "mostly" mature 23 yr old I am thinking 150 would limit what he can do with the plane. He is not going to teach with it . At most he would work for a local school using their planes which are...
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    I would have preferred if it had engine conversion and STOL kit and expanded tanks, but..... Kiddo would be flying this plane alone. He is actually trying to loose weight so he can train on tail dragger . That would require him and instructor to be under certain weight for plane they have...
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    Thank you all for the great feedback. So financing is squared away. I found local Co. where plane is located that can do Pre-buy. Next we are trying to get a hold of local mechanic at our local airport where we can do tie down rental and the one my son is flying from who will likely be the one...
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    Plane purchase 1st time

    Hi. I am looking for information and advice regarding plane purchase. I understand the process in general ( title search per AOPA etc) after we find plane we are interested in. What do we do 1st? Contact seller? Make written offer? Do title search? Set up escrow, do pre-buy? I want to know...