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      Stormswift reacted to RussR's post in the thread Pushbutton with Like Like.
      Agreed. This is (most likely) a really quick and easy DIY fix (with an appropriate sign-off, of course!)
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      Stormswift reacted to brcase's post in the thread Pushbutton with Like Like.
      Usually to use the co-pilot side PTT you also have to be plugged into the co-pilot headset plugs. Most airplanes when you push the PTT...
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      Stormswift reacted to Pinecone's post in the thread Pushbutton with Like Like.
      Switch is a few dollars from DigiKey. Maybe 1 hour labor or see if your A&P will allow you to do the work and them sign it off. Or...
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      Stormswift replied to the thread Pushbutton.
      ...found the Ptt portable button. Actually got 2 to make sure there is a backup until the main one gets fixed. Thank you for the...
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      Stormswift replied to the thread Pushbutton.
      Not sure: he says it has a button but he has not tried it. Where can he get a portable PTT?
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      So I totally don't know what I am talking about. My son was flying his Aerobat ( 150 engine, extended gas tanks. He noticed couple of...
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      Stormswift reacted to 1RTK1's post in the thread Cessna wheel pant repair with Like Like.
      Go to your local Lowe’s and buy some black ABS plastic pipe cement, NOT the other stuff for pvc..Then go by the window screen section...
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      Stormswift replied to the thread Plane purchase 1st time.
      So we did find a plane we like. The Pre-buy showed one low cylinder compression 45/80 ( will be repaired by seller) and elevator is also...
      • IMG_8204(2).jpg
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      Stormswift reacted to Magman's post in the thread Plane purchase 1st time with Like Like.
      Thank you! My belief is that folks on this and other forums are more than willing to give advice. IMHO - It hurts the whole Aviation...
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      Stormswift replied to the thread Plane purchase 1st time.
      Thank you. This is really helpful
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      Stormswift reacted to Magman's post in the thread Plane purchase 1st time with Like Like.
      It appears you are unfamiliar with the world of maintenance. 1. Why do you dash mx costs will be substantially higher? 2. 426.4 TT is...
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      Stormswift reacted to chemgeek's post in the thread Plane purchase 1st time with Like Like.
      Engine replacement should be in the logs somewhere. Might be in a new book, but it should be noted as newly installed and with what new...
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      Stormswift reacted to Magman's post in the thread Plane purchase 1st time with Like Like.
      I think your reply may have been clipped? If I were to be dealing with a “ mostly mature” Kiddo a couple of cards I would play: 1...
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      Stormswift reacted to Magman's post in the thread Plane purchase 1st time with Like Like.
      Conti uses a different method of “Compression Tests” with a Master Orifice. My guess is that 60 and 53 are acceptable. Readings tend...
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      Stormswift replied to the thread Plane purchase 1st time.
      The " mostly mature " quip has to of with his GF choices, lol. When it comes to flying he is "Iceman". By the book. He knows his life...
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