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  1. W

    Garmin g1000 reliability

    1,100 hours flying behind G1000s in two separate planes. Nothing that ever kept me out of the sky or made me wish I was on the ground.
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    Advice: flying Salt Lake to Denver

    What are you flying? I fly from Ogden to the Denver area about 6 times a year and have for at least the past six years. First in a DA40 and now in an SR22T. I almost always fly the I-80 V6 route mentioned above with one modification. If it's VFR, I go from the Cherokee VOR (CKW) over...
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    DA-40 Cruise Performance

    On 10gph I could get 148-150 knots on my 2008 DA-40 with the Powerflow exhaust. Between 8,000 & 9,000 was the sweet spot for best speed. Lean it out to 8gph and you can still go 140+ at those altitudes. Wheel pants and Powerflow make a big difference. I ran at 2,450 RPM and WOT.
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    KLAS McCarran - VFR or IFR

    I fly into LAS about four times a year in a single engine piston. I always fly into LAS IFR and fly out VFR. This seems to be the fastest. On departure clearance wants to know requested altitude and on course heading along with the other usual stuff.
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    Moving to SLC

    I learned to fly with Cornerstone out of Ogden. Yes, the owner is legendary for not making friends. Leading Edge aviation is also very good. They are based at Salt Lake #2 airport and Ogden, #2 if you are in the south part of the valley is a good choice. For the record (and please don't...
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    What is it like to fly a Cirrus?

    It depends on what version you have. My SR22T G5 has a BIG prop and a 50% flap speed of 150 knots. It drops like a brick particularly when heavy. I've never had the need to go from 170 to landing in two miles but I've had the need more than once going into B/C airports with jet traffic where...
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    6 Question VFR Quiz

    So my VFR cruising altitude is based on ground track and not heading?
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    What is it like to fly a Cirrus?

    I have an SR22T. Henning if I wasn't happily married and heterosexual, I'd sell it for about the $700k it's worth and fly off into the sunset with you and our newly refurbished Mallard. Prior to owning the SR I flew a DA40. I would not describe the Cirrus as an easy plan to land. It's not...
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    Do you get hold instructions

    One hold in seven years but boy was it a doozy. It was my first real XC since getting my instrument rating. I was going from Utah to New York in a DA40. I was about 30 minutes outside Midway when I got "hold as published at [random intersection]." It turns out the hold was only published on...
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    Crazy statements in Ads

    My favorite from an ad currently on Controller: Serious inquiries means that you have the cash to pay for this aircraft and can throw it out the window of a fast moving car on a Chicago freeway without breaking a sweat, and that you don't live in the basement of your mother's house.
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    This magenta line business...

    I'd add one more slight subtly to this which is not just being able to use other means to navigate but also maintaining enough situational awareness that you know about where you are if you suddenly lost GPS. The magenta line dependency also gets mingled with automation dependency and was...
  12. W

    When does Night qualify for actual IFR?

    Regardless of the correct answer, I hope people reading this thread take away that night flying often requires the skills of a proficient instrument pilot and will prove quickly fatal without these skills. I find this particularly true in the mountains. In and around the Rockies, even on a...
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    SR20 v DA40

    I sold my DA40 and purchased an SR22. I agree with all the comments and will just add two more. If you fly in locations where density altitude is an issue the DA40 has better high and hot performance. Based on my own impression as well as accident statistics, the DA40 is a safer plane. In...
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    Tesla, the absolute best car!

    I'm think I'm going to order one of these next week. I've been thinking about it for a while now. I don't own the stock nor will I ever. I'm not buying it because it's cool and green. It just seems to meet my mission really well. I have a garage with 220v so charging is easy. I never need...
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    Do you know your Net Worth

    I always thought the Drucker quote was "What gets measured, gets managed." The issue I have with measuring net worth is I own illiquid investments in small businesses that while easy to put a range of value on, are so illiquid and risky that I wouldn't want to count on or spend today's value...
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    Kirby Chambliss at Hill AFB 2014 (onboard)

    Awesome. I saw it from the ground at Hill, it's great to see it from the air.
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    Oxygen Conservation Devices

    I have the O2D2 setup in my plane. It dramatically reduces O2 usage. Way more than an Oxymizer. It also automatically adjusts for altitude so you do not have to change anything when you climb. Most people I know use this with an Oxyarm ( Personally, I find the...
  18. W

    Is it okay to take a quick nap while flying long distances?

    Dr. Bruce: Have you taken any medication in the past two years? Me: No.....oh wait....Amphetamines. Dr. Bruce: What!!??!! Me: Oh don't worry, I don't use them very often. Only when I'm flying and then only when I'm so exhausted I can't keep my eyes open any longer. Hey, why are you looking...
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    Transition to DA40

    I find a DA40 easier to fly than a 172. It lands a little flatter than a 172 but I think you'll figure that out the 3rd time around the pattern. I have 1,000 hours behind a G1000 and there are still things I'm learning about the system. That said, it won't take long to understand the...
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    Another Day, Another Cirrus Parachute Save

    No airmanship whatsoever. If it was me and I lost my engine in a crowded suburb unable to make the runway with the only option a small wooded field, I would have knife-edged it in-between the tree tops then snap-rolled it wings level right in between two tree trunks right at stall speed. I'm...