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  1. W

    can I find out why a (commercial) flight was cancelled?

    But the on-board employees are most likely getting paid and in no case are they paying customers. I am instrument rated and proud of it, thank you for asking. And I have no issues when my flight is cancelled because weather is in or around the terminal area. And I understand enroute weather that...
  2. W

    can I find out why a (commercial) flight was cancelled?

    And here is where your post loses all credibility. Everyone at the airline still gets paid, sometimes overtime and gets to go home at the end of their shift. In the meantime, I’m spending an extra $300 on a hotel I didn’t want, after spending $1,200 on a last minute coach seat for a flight that...
  3. W

    Tesla Model 3 - Now I get the hype.

    You should marry that woman! I remember back in the 40's when I was thinking about an ME-262, everyone told me it was horribly unreliable, fatally dangerous, burned ridiculous amounts of fuel and had no range. Now I can take 300 of my closest friends anywhere on the planet non-stop in my 787...
  4. W

    RIP I. M. Pei

    Rare indeed. I think she was one of 3 women at Columbia Architecture school when she went. I don't remember the exact dates and I don't remember when she made partner but she started working there in the mid '80s and retired somewhere in the early 2000's. Along with other projects, she...
  5. W

    RIP I. M. Pei

    My mother was one of his partners and I met him a few times. About as nice as you can get. He will be missed but he leaves behind quite a legacy of famous landmarks.
  6. W

    Zwift Cycling

    How so? I’m thinking about ditching my Computrainer.
  7. W

    Opposite rudder in a steep turn

    What is this ball you guys keep mentioning? I just try and keep the moving bottom of the triangle under the top part. I’m just a crappy GA pilot so all this 90 degree bank stuff scares me. I figure if I maintain the triangle at all times except maybe in a crosswind landing, I’m less likely to...
  8. W

    Bought a New Ram - No Thinking Required

    The Juice is a piggyback module in that it sits in between the truck's computer and sensors so yes, if you remove it, there is no way to tell it was there. However that assumes you don't drill and tap your manifold and install the EGT probe. That would leave some evidence. The Juice works...
  9. W

    Bought a New Ram - No Thinking Required

    Ted what year is your truck? I'm sure it's in this thread somewhere but I could not find it with a quick scan and I'm lazy. I want to make sure I answer your questions correctly. I'm sure I can figure out a way to get you a refund if you are not happy with it as long as you don't buy it from...
  10. W

    Bought a New Ram - No Thinking Required

    Ted if you have any questions about Edge stuff let me know. I used to run that business and still know most of the engineers there.
  11. W

    [NA]GE stock[NA]

    There is an overwhelming abundance of evidence that individuals do not beat the market over the long term so you are much better off investing in low cost index funds that cover broad spectrums of the market than you are picking individual stocks. There is an equal and overwhelming abundance...
  12. W

    [NA]GE stock[NA]

    The more important question is why you are buying individual stocks and why you have an investment advisor?
  13. W

    (N/A) Things that have gone by the wayside

    Another two for the price of one. Note the tapes are 8 tracks.
  14. W

    Smoke detector batteries with 10 year rating

    All I know is 100% of them fail in the middle of the night.
  15. W

    Is there such a thing as a good color printer scanner?

    I know there are a lot of IT nerds on this forum (and I say that with the utmost respect) so maybe you guys or gals can help. I work out of my house and I need a good laser printer, a good scanner capable of scanning at least 40 pages at a time without jamming and a good color printer. My...
  16. W

    electric bike on plane

    It's an emotional support bike. No problems. I have to say, I fly sometimes with an e-bike and it's a fantastic way to get from the airport to someplace not too far away. Particularly in urban environment like LAS where traffic and parking can be an issue.
  17. W

    Tesla Trolling

    deonb is right with just about everything he says. I own a Tesla. It's not my only car. I don't own the stock and never will. There's nothing wrong with selling a vision, raising a bunch of money and swinging for the fences even though that will incur staggering losses. As others have...
  18. W

    Any old rugby players?

    4 years of college and 2 years of graduate school. I may not be big but I’m slow so I was a hooker.
  19. W

    Favorite coffee

    I have a business that sells high-end home coffee equipment so I get to sample quite a few roster's product. These guys (Onyx Coffee) are my current favorite. I have no affiliation with them, I just like their coffee. The Ethiopia Hambela Buku Natural is the one I seem to buy the most of.
  20. W

    A10/s at the Superbowl

    It would be awesome though if you were on top of the dome or roof or whatever the thing is. Unless it’s cold. Then it would suck.