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  1. W

    IFR at night in single engine airplane?

    OK guys this is going to be good...wait just a second while I put on the helmet and zip up the nomex. I fly a single engine at night, occasionally in IMC and over mountains. I have two batteries, I have two alternators, I have no vacuum-powered instruments. I fly with a 20 mile glade radius...
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    Pirep on Cody, WY and Yellowstone?

    But do it early in the morning in the cool smooth air.
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    Flying to KORD

    I don't think of it as a right or a privilege. I look at it as an honor and a fantastic learning experience that shouldn't be abused. As such, if you are going to ORD or JFK, you need to have the skills to fly a fast approach and the ability to handle the radio and taxi. And do NOT go at rush...
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    Airventure -- New Home

    Wendover, NV Two big crossing runways, absolutely the middle of nowhere so no one to complain with plenty of space for camping and exhibition space. Walking distance to a cluster of casinos with plenty of rooms. Excellent aviation history as this is the...
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    PIREP: One-on-One Weather Training with ScottD (

    I've done a few of these sessions with Scott as well. Some of the sessions I have done have just been training and some have involved specific flights. He's an awesome resource and worth every penny. I can't imagine planning an XC without starting off on his website.
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    Gust Loading

    The best explanation of gust load, complete with the math, can be found in "Flying the Beech Bonanza" by John Eckalbar. I've never flown a Bonanza but this is still a great book. In it, he points out that certification standards are for a 30fps gust at Vno. At 3400 lbs, this creates a G load...
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    Sacramento to KAPA

    KOGD is my home base. I have no issues pointing straight at one of the passes and clearing them in my DA40 even in the summer but your results may be different. If you have to circle it won't take long. If you are an IFR plan, it will take a lot longer to get out of KOGD because ATC will...
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    Diamond DA40 Questions

    In the XLS that I have flown 800 hours in, 150 knots is not realistic. I can see it on the perfect day somewhere between 7,000 feet and 9,000 feet with the prop at 2550 and 11 to 12 gph but it's rare and there's not point flying it that way. I do see mid to low 140s all day long on 8.5 gph and...
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    Diamond DA40 Questions

    +1! Also you you can try different trim settings. T/O trim and very limited stick inputs with the throttle back gets you to best glide. Trim up gets you to falling leaf.
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    Diamond DA40 Questions

    I have about 800 hours in a DA40. I've done the falling leaf a few times. The stall in the DA40 is so benign it just mushes and the nose doesn't really drop. However the decent rate changes a lot in this maneuver. As the stall gets deeper the decent rate picks up and then as the plane picks...
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    Diamond DA40 Questions

    Oregon Aero makes seat cushions for the DA40 with a center stick cutout in a variety of thicknesses that will get you to the right height over the panel. Really comfortable too.
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    G1000 help

    Depending on what you set in the aux page, it tells you when you will hit your reserve fuel amount (30 min or 45 min). It takes into account fuel burn and ground speed and is based on the number set in the fuel totalizer NOT the fuel gauge. Scroll out some more and you will see a solid green...
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    Airliner Co. charging passengers by body weight

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Couldn't agree more.
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    "Fate is the Hunter" - Ernest K. Gann

    I just finished this book. I'm happy to send it to the first person that PMs me provided they agree to post back here when they are done with it and send to the next POAer. As an aside I went to a retirement ceremony at the Hill Air Force Base museum yesterday. Standing in front of a C47...
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    IFR departure

    I'm not sure what you mean by this, but my certified G1000 with SVT will tell me pretty far out if I'm below terrain. The PFD will show terrain above the horizon line. If the flight path marker is above this terrain, I will clear it even if the terrain is above the horizon line. I can see all...