Search results

  1. djpacro

    Spin recovery

    It will flat spin to the right. Depends on what type of aeroplane you are in - I never make too many general comments about spinning without clarifying what type(s) of airplanes I am talking about.
  2. djpacro

    Clipped Cub Acro

    Definitely a fun airplane.
  3. djpacro

    Too many g's?

    If there is a G meter in the aeroplane it will read about 0.7.
  4. djpacro

    Preventing Go-Around Accidents

    ... and watch out for the odd Ferris Wheel.
  5. djpacro

    An Aussie for Oshkosh

    Thanks for the headsup, I don't see any point in getting in an aeroplane with that sort of behaviour. His website explains why he hasn't been around for a while and recent design changes which one hopes addresses the above.
  6. djpacro

    An Aussie for Oshkosh

    We should think about a plan something like I buy a Clipped Wing Cub about that time?
  7. djpacro

    An Aussie for Oshkosh

    Mat, it just has to be a Cub in 2012!
  8. djpacro

    An Aero Biplane

    I haven't gone through all the results here but I guess that '96 was the last time a biplane competed - Robert Armstrong in an S-1-11B in 31st place with a score of 78.64%. Lowest ranking US pilot was Ellen Dean in an Extra 300S at 34th with 77.09%. Highest ranking US pilot was Patty Wagstaff at...
  9. djpacro

    Aerobatic Plane Help

    The Zlin 242 is a nice aeroplane and, in my opinion, very capable. Yes, you get your own throttle so stick is in the right hand. Personally I wouldn't buy one with the concern about spare parts and support - there aren't many in the country (yours or mine). Biggest query is the aerobatic life...
  10. djpacro

    Describing a spin properly

    There's an excellent document on the subject here - some bedtime reading!
  11. djpacro

    Describing a spin properly

    This is where some information from the competition scene may be useful. Competition spins are rarely more than 1 3/4 turns so there is some emphasis on the transition from normal flight to a spin (incipient spin as competition spins rarely get to the stable fully developed condition). I know...
  12. djpacro

    Crossing the Pacific in a Bonanza

    Looks like he is heading down here.
  13. djpacro

    wheel pants w/ doors- decathlon?

    That works Ernie. I have that bolt locked in with wire (I've seen the effect of vibration loosening that bolt and damaging the thing on landing) so not an easy job for the people I hire the aeroplane to.
  14. djpacro

    wheel pants w/ doors- decathlon?

    I took a hacksaw to my wheelpants and trimmed them so that I could reach the valve. Tire pressures are in the Service Manual.
  15. djpacro

    My 1995 Super Decathlon :-)

    That's why I got a Pitts S-2A (still have my 150 hp fixed pitch Decathlon)
  16. djpacro

    My 1995 Super Decathlon :-)

    Jeanie, didn't some-one warn you that aerobatics was addictive! It looks very nice - just like mine! I second the comment - don't do snaps.
  17. djpacro

    Spin Training in St. Louis

    Welcome Ron, perhaps we can continue that discussion we were having on that other forum before we were interrupted.
  18. djpacro

    Max oil level for aeros- AEIO360 (Cap 10c)

    Got my hands on the POH and I see that it is not a typo. HFD, I can only agree with your recent post on Pprune.
  19. djpacro

    Max oil level for aeros- AEIO360 (Cap 10c)

    I have seen the same question on Pprune and flyer recently so I'll just add to those answers also pointing out that I know nothing about the CAP. My copy of the Lycoming Operators Manual is consistent with those other responses. Just wondering if it is a typo or mistranslation in the POH and it...
  20. djpacro

    Competing in a polished plane?

    One of my friends had a Pitts S-1S - red with silver stripes and sunburst. Silver was done with plastic decals so it was high gloss. Sun glints on the silver would result in a zero when the judges thought there was a hesitation in a roll. Another friend flew a plain white Pitts S-1S for a while...