Search results

  1. ChiefPilot

    Go to a contest already!

    Scores for the same figure can be amazingly inconsistent across judges as well. On a loop, for example, one of the judges gave me a 4.5, one gave me a 6.5, and the other two gave me an 8.0 The "real" score is the average of the judges which moderates the effects of judges with overly...
  2. ChiefPilot

    ATC clearance with 'clearance limit'

    I've filed to a fix with a 30 minute delay before returning to point of origin. The clearance limit I received was to that fix, with an EFC time 30 minutes into the future.
  3. ChiefPilot

    Go to a contest already!

    I flew in a contest in Newton KS a little over a week ago and it was pretty fun. Although I've done lots of acro (formation and dogfighting) in my RV and have helped set up for contests, I hadn't actually flown in one. Here's what it's like in under two minutes:
  4. ChiefPilot

    Flying over Lake Michigan

    I've done it a bunch and have zero qualms about doing so in my RV. Doing a search of the NTSB database for crashes into Lake Michigan and narrowing them down to non-preventable mechanical issues convinced me there is little or no added risk to going overwater as the bulk of the accidents...
  5. ChiefPilot

    Updated version of AcroBox for iPhone/iPad

    Yes - no plans for any other platform at this time.
  6. ChiefPilot

    Updated version of AcroBox for iPhone/iPad

    Thanks! Getting plugged in with IAC has been fun and so many people have been helpful I wanted to do something that would help others get started. Thanks! -Brad
  7. ChiefPilot

    Updated version of AcroBox for iPhone/iPad

    A couple of weeks ago I launched AcroBox, an app for planning aerobatic boxes on iPhone and iPad. Several suggestions and several milligrams of caffeine later, I'm happy to announced an updated version that incorporates the most popular suggestions received along with a couple of twists I hope...
  8. ChiefPilot

    AcroBox: an app for aspiring aerobatic pilots

    This past summer, I became somewhat interested in competition aerobatics. Joining the local IAC chapter, I found that one of the biggest challenges was being able to stay "in the box". The aerobatic box as defined by IAC rules is a 1km x 1km box starting from 328'agl to 1500'agl and going up...
  9. ChiefPilot

    IFR and aerobatics - two great tastes that taste great together.

    I've had the itch to do some acro for the last several days - I usually am able to go at least once or twice a week but the weather has been pretty sour for longer than that. Thinking there must be a way around the issue, came up with a plan and threw it up for comments in another thread and...
  10. ChiefPilot

    Like aerobatics? Formation? 1v1 ACM? Then check this out.

    The second year of flying my RV-6A is drawing to a close, and as I look back, I'm amazed at how much I've learned along the way. I put this video together to capture some of it - it's an amazing aircraft, one that has taught me more about flying than anything else I've flown. While it does...
  11. ChiefPilot

    Are some pilots and aviation enthusiasts one-trick ponies?

    Hah. Talking general aviation with non-aviation folks elicits the same results as talking about mock aerial combat with general aviation people: In both cases, you get funny looks and then are labeled as part of the lunatic fringe. Or so I've been told.
  12. ChiefPilot

    Does an rv handle IMC well?

    Flying IFR without the AP is no big deal, but you do need to keep the aircraft in trim. I think that's the same for anything, however - hand flying an out-of-trim aircraft presents a much higher workload. I wonder how many folks trim their aircraft to fly straight & level before engaging...
  13. ChiefPilot

    Does an rv handle IMC well?

    I'd strongly recommend getting an EAA tech counselor or someone who has built an RV to go over a prospective purchase with you before you sign the check. A casual inspection won't catch the important stuff, especially if the aircraft has a killer paint job and pretty panel. Regarding...
  14. ChiefPilot

    Does an rv handle IMC well?

    I think if you are likely to end up inverted in IMC in a -6, you run the same risk in a -9. The roll rate isn't THAT much less, and even a -9 is still far more spritely than a Cherokee or Cessna single. I've flown 3 hour IMC legs in my -6A, and it's not a big deal. I prefer it over...
  15. ChiefPilot

    IO-360 vs IO360

    Most kits use a Lycoming (or clone thereof), so if you choose to go Continental you'll be needing custom parts (cowling, engine mount, etc.). As others have said, the six cyl will be smoother, but how much effort is a small amount of additional smoothness worth?
  16. ChiefPilot


    This isn't even a "real" video but rather the video from one of those motion flight simulator rides you find at museums and such (Science Museum of London IIRC?). Still, it looks like it was recorded doing the "Mach Loop" which is cool; if I ever get to England I'm going to check it out for...
  17. ChiefPilot

    Great Dismal Swamp Crash

    Interesting - I've never been to PVG and didn't realize it didn't have a precision approach. I recall the CPK AWOS was advertising something like 400 and 2, which was amazing optimistic. When I busted out, I was about 250' AGL and couldn't see halfway down the 5500' runway at CPK. I...
  18. ChiefPilot

    Great Dismal Swamp Crash

    Weather was definitely down. I landed at KCPK in my RV-6A later that same day. 250' ceilings, 3/4 mile visibility. Airport manager came out to greet us on the ramp and mentioned that the weather looked like it was lifting a bit(!). Anyway, I heard about the crash shortly after I landed...
  19. ChiefPilot

    Video editor

    The software you download from the GoPro site isn't bad, and there is always Windows Movie Maker and/or iMovie depending on whether you are on Windows or Mac. I think those are the top free options and all will do a pretty good job if you're looking to just add titles and put clips together...
  20. ChiefPilot

    This Is How I Roll

    Thanks Tim (and everyone else, too!) - I really enjoyed making it.