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  1. T

    Flight lessons- Once a week adequate- or waste of time/money for PPL?

    Like some, I've got a 50 hr day job- and a small "side" business as well. Small FBO I've been flying with (under 10 hrs so far), CFI doesn't work weekends and I get the impression from our conversations that he expects 2 days per week minimum and doesn't want to be bothered if I can't commit to...
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    N9306Y down Houston, TX area 22-Jan-23

    How in the world does one set it down on a semi's trailer- slides off the roof, impacts the roadway in a fireball- and then walk away? What did I miss here, if it's not a bonafide miracle?
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    Is rotation closer to Vx, than Vr necessarily a bad idea?

    Appreciate all of the input above. Some variation in opinions, but I see the reasoning/logic behind all of them. I'll be flying with a new CFI as of next week, the one I started with is relocating. I'm actually looking forward to the change- not because of any concerns with my prior CFI, but...
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    Is rotation closer to Vx, than Vr necessarily a bad idea?

    Thanks, makes sense. Please forgive me. FAA Handbook: "Vr- Rotation Speed. The speed that the pilot begins rotating the aircraft prior to liftoff."
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    Is rotation closer to Vx, than Vr necessarily a bad idea?

    Taking lessons in a PA-28-180. In the first pre-flight briefing, my CFI told me that I should rotate at 80 mph. When I questioned why- when Vr is 60 mph- he told me that the plane is "happier" rotating at 80, but no problem rotating at 60 if that's what I wanted to do. At 80, it took very light...
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    C172 a couple of hours ago at KBKV, FL

    Looks like he went off runway 09 after landing. Front gear failure? Reg shows 300 hp- didn't know that was possible in a 172. Hopefully salvageable?
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    C172 a couple of hours ago at KBKV, FL

    Fortunately, the pilot apparently walked away from this... No other details yet. This is the airport where I'm receiving instruction,got this from my CFI there. Missing nose landing gear...
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    Florida plane crash into Gulf PA-28

    Heard a piece on a local radio station this morning, apparently the plane dropped from radar at 130' or so AGL immediately after takeoff. Both runway 23 and 31 end at 1/4 and 1/2 mile from the beach respectively. They interviewed some pilot that said he'd flown out of there at night once before...
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    Florida plane crash into Gulf PA-28

    Absolutely. Delay for whatever reason(s) pushing arrival into darkness- certainly want to be as prepared as possible. Perfect scenarios for sim time. Everyone has their level of risk tolerance "for fun". As a diver, I'm fine with deep, open water. Cave thank you, ma'am. I wondered...
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    Florida plane crash into Gulf PA-28

    New student here (also Tampa Bay res)- this one sorta struck home as I'd just had a convo last flight with my CFI about night flying. I was a bit surprised that in order to get a PPL, you have to do a night XC solo. Call me p****- and perhaps my perspective will change as my training progresses-...
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    View Limiting Device

    That's a trip... I need to send that to my son (finished his T-38C training a few months ago)- he'll get a kick outta that. Old days before HUD and glass cockpit...
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    Training pilots without actual airplanes

    I just came across this same article in the AF Times (before I saw this thread)- and immediately wondered what your take on this might be, lo and behold... Granted, heavies aren't high-performance aircraft- but going FULL sim and zero hours flight time eventually? Doesn't strike me as a recipe...
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    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Third flight today, (Cherokee 180)- S-turns, simulated go-arounds, and engine out. Fairly stiff 15 blowing from the north on runway 09, so my instructor told me he'd handle the take-off, which I'd done from the first flight. On return, entered the downwind leg and got pushed in by the wind a bit...
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    First aviation headset- choice?

    After a lot of ambivalence, purchased the Lightspeed Sierra. I was ready to pull the trigger on the Bose QC45 and UFlyMike ANR kit- when I came across info on their website that they're hearing of echo/sidetone feedback problems when used with the new QC45's...
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    Why does my C172 POH use "mph"??

    I knew this getting started, and first flight highlighted both the elements lacking (MOTION) but I also found the control inputs (e.g. resistance) from the Honeycomb Alpha yoke to be surprisingly realistic. No offense to anyone, everyone can have their opinions- but I do not regard X-Plane as a...
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    Why does my C172 POH use "mph"??

    Airspeed indicator shows both knots and mph, just like the one I fly in the X-Plane sim. i can use either- but as i said, my thinking was to e consistent as a beginner. In a few I'll probably want to fly their Cherokee, which is most probably knots. Instinctively, i know I'm better...
  17. T

    Why does my C172 POH use "mph"??

    I obtained a new (for real), original POH for the 172M that I've just started flying. I'm so used to using knots, and every reference to speed is in mph. Airspeed is so critical I don't want any confusion and doing conversions in my head while I'm flying and want to maintain consistency here...
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    Fatal: walked into prop

    Some 20+ years ago, this happened to my business partner's wife as she deplaned (he was the pilot, 2 passenger in the backseats). She was instantly decapitated. He was quite understandably never right after that, it was years before I could ask him about it. I still get sick just thinking about it.
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    CFI and student die in crash SMO

    . Gonzo, Thanks for the positivity! He's leaving for PIT next month with one of the T-1 guys, and his head's definitely in the right place. I have no doubt he'll get the best instructor training in the world from some of the world's best aviators such as yourself. When I was at OKC waiting for...
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    Aventura II down, Miramar, FL Witness stated that engine died, may have re-started just prior to impact.