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  1. rmciottijr

    Maine and it's taxes

    Does anyone know if Maine is charging taxes to land in Maine. If so how much? Thanks, Bob
  2. rmciottijr

    Happy Birthday, Grant

    Happy Birthday Grant
  3. rmciottijr

    Good News from Kansas

    Congratulation Tony
  4. rmciottijr

    Very cool clock!

    Looking at the food clock it look like the "EAT MOR CHIKIN" campaign is working. :skeptical:Horse?:skeptical:
  5. rmciottijr

    Where Am I

    In a Southwest plane?
  6. rmciottijr

    Tail Plane Icing (Excellent NASA Video)

    Good Video, Thanks Adam.
  7. rmciottijr

    NA Electric Window

    Tony, I did not read the whole post but I have a service manual that will give you step by step service. Let me know if you still need help.
  8. rmciottijr

    What a great story

    Sorry if this was posted before.
  9. rmciottijr

    North East Flyers - January Event

    If you click on the X it will open. Gary, Sorry I couldn't make it we had more people and dog the we normally do and I did not finish until 4:20. Bob
  10. rmciottijr

    North East Flyers - January Event

    Screen Name..........# Attending..........Tail #........Aircraft.........Base --------------------------------------------------------------------- GMascelli.........2 (Gary&Mary).....N28679.....Archer II.........KILG Avi8tor4fn.......1 (David Krump)...N75229.....P28A-140.....KFDK (PBP)...
  11. rmciottijr

    I am now an iPhone owner...

    That's what I was thinking. So does that say the i phone can't solve every problem. Or maybe you got the ticket playing with the i Phone. Anyway Good luck with it.
  12. rmciottijr

    Pilot left the plane at 2000 feet over FL?

    Pilot's 3-Day Run Comes to an End
  13. rmciottijr

    One of our own

    Great Job Glad to see you are ok.
  14. rmciottijr

    I'm Baaaaacccckkkkkk

    HR, No that's not me I wish I could fly a helicopter but heck I don't have time or money to fly the fixed wing how would I ever fly a helicopter. You were thinking of RotaryWingBob. I will get you the name of the people we are renting from I am not making the arrangements my wife's friend...
  15. rmciottijr

    I'm Baaaaacccckkkkkk

    Harley, I am going to be in Harpswell ME on July 4-11 maybe we cold meet up so I am not stuck with my wife her friend and her friend's husband. The only thing they are going to talk about is camp and I am going to be bored. I am working on my wife so she will let me fly up. Her big thing...
  16. rmciottijr

    North East Flyers-December Events

    I am glad you guys had a great time sorry I missed it. Ok three pilots in two cars and no one had a GPS??? LOL
  17. rmciottijr

    Gas goes below $3.00

    Troy are you from Lubbock? I see you have FW in your profile I was just checking. I was in Lubbock about 3 weeks ago. found a mexican restaurant it was good.