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  1. RV10flyer

    Mid air collision reported at T31

    I wish everyone that has landing lights would use them at least when close to the airport. My HID's are on anytime below 10,000'. It makes it much easier to see another aircraft.
  2. RV10flyer

    Just filed my VFR flight plan....

    As long as you have your new AOA on the glareshield, you should be fine.
  3. RV10flyer


    Maui, Why don't you come up with a rudder pedal shaker to keep us from getting uncoordinated in the base-final turn? Why not have lights, buzzers, bells, whistles and vibrators turn on for any bank angle exceeding 10 deg or if airspeed drops below normal cruise? Jeez, just get out and fly until...
  4. RV10flyer

    How to make a perfect night landing

    Now, if they can come up with an experimental rudder pedal shaker to keep me coordinated during my base-final turns.
  5. RV10flyer

    Plane Missing Over Lake Erie

    Also if flaps were not up by 200 kts or so, the AP disengages...after it has trimmed nose down during the climbout. Another posssibility.
  6. RV10flyer

    How to make a perfect night landing

    Disclaimer: Hehe... Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not a substitute for advice from a licensed professional. You should not rely solely on this content, and we assume no liability for inaccuracies. Always read labels and directions before using a product. These products...
  7. RV10flyer

    Mid air collision reported at T31

    Is that a person's head in the pic? Sorry for the loss. Keeping their families in our thoughts tonight.
  8. RV10flyer

    How to make a perfect night landing

    My pitot tube, airspeed indicator and control response work just fine, day or night. No thanks. Get to know your plane(with a CFI if needed). Through feel, control response, sound and a quick glance at the ASI, it will let you know when you are pushing the limits. Push it too far and practice...
  9. RV10flyer

    Is the experienced scud runner safer than the rare instrument pilot?

    We came over the Appalachians one year heading to Triple Tree. The "forecast" was for the 700'-5,000' agl layer to move out by 10 AM. The Sun was coming up nicely and what a beautiful snow white undercast for as far as you could see in front of us. Flat on top and bottom and did not budge a bit...
  10. RV10flyer

    Is the experienced scud runner safer than the rare instrument pilot?

    Yes...smooth flying wasn't it. Glad to see a few planes out. We really enjoy the family trips, but one a year is all we can afford right now. Just try to get out every 2-3 weeks and knock the rust off.
  11. RV10flyer

    Is the experienced scud runner safer than the rare instrument pilot?

    Yes, and especially if you fly along in that sct- bkn layer at 600' with ovc at 800'. Likely what happened in Atlanta. Looking down to the sides, he had it under control...until the middle of an 800' stack appeared, then it is too late.
  12. RV10flyer

    Nice tailwinds today! Indiana to Florida

    Until I started flying my 10 and watching the wind changes in our climb-outs, I would have never thought that direction/velocity changes were so drastic. My best tailwind was 60 kts at 1,500' agl the morning after a line of tornados came through in Feb 2012. It was calm on the ground for our...
  13. RV10flyer

    Will General Aviation Survive

    Hangars always have a waiting list, because unlike boats, you can't easily take them home to store. 90% of the 70 aircraft at my airport rarely fly. If the flying car ever gets perfected and the price comes down under $200K, I think we will see more people in the air. Even if we are not buying...
  14. RV10flyer

    first night flight and a couple of observations / questions

    Night flying with a full moon, clear cold night with snow on the ground is really nice. My night training was at 6,500'. Ask your CFI what to do with landing light if you have an engine out. Hehe.
  15. RV10flyer

    Apache down in Texas

    As a 60 crewchief, I was all over that baby during reassembly and before a MTF. 5 yrs and no accidents in any of my units. Boy was I lucky. Right before arriving at my one unit and one year after my ETS, there were fatalities.
  16. RV10flyer

    Is the experienced scud runner safer than the rare instrument pilot?

    Knowledge of weather, knowing my aircraft and my limits, synthetic vision, Foreflight, TruTrac AP and never being afraid to make that 180 has kept me and my family safe VFR and MVFR. An unknown VFR couple crashed into the Appalachians in October (both thankfully survived), while attempting to...
  17. RV10flyer

    Will General Aviation Survive

    Yes, that would be super nice! I have a good RV friend that lives there. We have enjoyed our visits and formation flying as a pax. I should have went to engineering school like I wanted too at 17. Just an ex A&P and now HVAC guy. Oh well. I am proud of those living the dream.
  18. RV10flyer

    Will General Aviation Survive

    If airports had girls in Bikinis, bars with big screens, big fish to catch, and planes could be parked at home...I'd say more than 5 planes at my airport would be flying on any given Saturday.
  19. RV10flyer

    Will General Aviation Survive

    After hangar rent, insurance, taxes, FF subscription, maintenance, repairs and fuel, $275/hr for 30-40 hrs/yr is hard for us average Americans to come up with. Then add car rental, lodging, food and destination fun times. It is hard for many families to justify the expenses. We are still doing...
  20. RV10flyer

    182 down knoxville

    This accident occurred Dec 26, Monday, around 4 PM (1.5 Hr before sunset). A cold front was to his North over me at the time.