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  1. oregonboy109

    Your Top Five Coolest Flights

    1) First solo 2) First solo XC 3) First flight with my mom and brother 4) PnP flight to Indy with my friend. We got a flat tire and had to wait about 3 hours for it to get fixed but we had 3 puppies and the NFC championship to keep us busy. The flight home at night was beautiful. Glassy smooth...
  2. oregonboy109

    Coolest Aircraft Tug I've seen

    It's all fun and games until it goes rogue and runs off with your plane...
  3. oregonboy109

    Plane Hits Drone

    Can't say I'm surprised. The "regulations" here don't work and I belive the regulations across the pond are even less effective if they even exist. It's really too bad that a few idiots who fly drones where they shouldn't (around airports, Washington DC...) ruin it for the millions who dont.
  4. oregonboy109

    Airports Around Oshkosh

    Fond du Lac? I remember hearing about a shuttle from there to Oshkosh. Not sure about hotel rooms though...
  5. oregonboy109

    Daily Pic

    Finally feels like spring here in OH!
  6. oregonboy109

    This is why GA gets a bad rap...

    Pretty cool video though. Some of the camera angels may make the helicopter seem closer to the terrain/power lines than it really was.
  7. oregonboy109

    NA escape rooms

    These escape rooms sound like tons of fun. I need to try it sometime.
  8. oregonboy109

    New Pipers for UND

    Yes. Tuition is pretty reasonable though compared to many other state schools. About 18k per year out of state.
  9. oregonboy109

    New Pipers for UND

    Ya this order alone will keep Piper going for the next 8 years. The competition between C and P was probably fierce. Wonder why they went back to Piper...
  10. oregonboy109

    New Pipers for UND

    I think they may phase out the current 172s as the new Archers roll in. The oldest 172 is less than 10 years old I think.
  11. oregonboy109

    New Pipers for UND

    Here is the cost breakdown from the UND aerospace website. Doesn't have hourly but you can get a general idea.
  12. oregonboy109

    New Pipers for UND

    I can't wait to get there this fall. Going to try to get familiar with the g1000 this summer to make the transition smoother.
  13. oregonboy109

    New Pipers for UND

    112 to be exact... Good news for UND and Piper. Cant wait to fly them!
  14. oregonboy109

    does this dry rate sound right?

    Sounds high to me.
  15. oregonboy109

    What to do near Miami (OH) University

    Very true. Ive probably been there 20+ times and still see new stuff every time. Looking forward to seeing the expansion this summer. Going to fly over for the first time which'll be cool too.
  16. oregonboy109

    What to do near Miami (OH) University

    The museum is really, really cool. Easy to spend a day there.
  17. oregonboy109

    Tesla Model 3 Announcement tonight

    And that's great but, again, for many people, the decision to buy an electric car is because of the perceived environmental benefits. And my point is that the innovation on the car side needs to be matched by a shift to clean and renewable ways to produce the electricity powering that car.
  18. oregonboy109

    Tesla Model 3 Announcement tonight

    Solar and wind. And that still doesn't change anything written above. It's getting there but it still isn't in a position to rival traditional (nonrenewable) sources. Believe me I wish it was. Part of this issue, at least here in Central OH, is that even if a home or business wanted to put in a...
  19. oregonboy109

    Tesla Model 3 Announcement tonight

    I'm saying that the lack on an environmental reason (it may not be a factor for you but it is for a lot of other EV buyers) coupled with the price increase vs a comparable traditional car, coupled with the range (which can be limiting in certain cases) makes EVs a tough sell for many people...
  20. oregonboy109

    What would make you rent more?

    Most online schedulers have a way for members to put in phone numbers and email. My club requires it for reasons like this. I'm sure in the above situation most people would yield their short flight to save someones trip.