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  1. oregonboy109

    Hertitage Flight at The Super Bowl

    Another reason I hate enclosed stadiums. If Green bay, Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, New England... can play outdoors so can everyone else.
  2. oregonboy109

    CFI checkride writeup

  3. oregonboy109

    Had a bitter experience today with a IR dude

    Ya our airspace up here can get messy when the weather is nice...CKN is overused imo for our IR ops since it's so popular VFR plus CKN flight school stuff. We do our best but always gonna be some issues especially now with new IR students getting going this semester. Care to elaborate?
  4. oregonboy109

    CAP uniforms and engine warmups?

    I'm thinking kinda along the lines of an recruitment aspect...get kids interested in military aviation, have some classes and let them fly a bit...It's not like CAP funding is anything ridiculous and instead of packing the whole thing up and getting rid of it maybe shifting the focus to...
  5. oregonboy109

    CAP uniforms and engine warmups?

    I think, like many large organizations, CAP can be hit or miss depending on the area. Maybe shifting the mission from S&R to more of an education/community outreach/flight training/military recruitment type goal might prolong the life of the organization as more advanced ELTs and other law...
  6. oregonboy109

    SR22 Down - Gulf of Mexico

    Saw this on FB. Chilling to watch.
  7. oregonboy109


    That quote from the AFH is just over complicating the maneuver. I'd ignore it. In the second half just hold pitch attitude constant as you roll out. In order to maintain constant pitch attitude control pressures will increases as airspeed decreases.
  8. oregonboy109

    How dangerous is it?

    Maybe a little low but I don't see it being dangerous. Stall speed is pretty low in a 150, 65 mph is a big enough buffer to bank 20 comfortably IMO.
  9. oregonboy109

    After a long hiatus

    I did my spin training/teaching for CFI in both a 172 and Super Decathlon and I'd say the hardest part of the 172 spin flights was getting the thing to even resemble something close to a spin lol. Decathlon was way more fun, ended up doing some spins then doing acro the rest of the flight.
  10. oregonboy109

    Filing IFR for a VFR Flight?

    Just get a GPS tracker or ADSB (two birds with one stone there) if seeing your track on FA/FR24 is so important. Or just go IFR. The filling IFR for VFR "method" creates unnecessary confusion.
  11. oregonboy109

    Watch out for police DUI check points

    Aw man for a second I thought you finally bought that RV bus thing y'all were arguing about a while back.
  12. oregonboy109

    Get a new headset?

    Crazy thought, maybe Lightspeeds are for people who flew with both and.......wait for it........found Lightspeeds more comfortable, better noise reduction, liked them better for whatever reason. And then maybe, just maybe, they chose to spend their money on one based on that experience rather...
  13. oregonboy109

    how is this an FAA infraction?

    Ya maybe it varies by 141 outfit, some are certainly more restrictive than others. I read the op (possibly incorrectly) as the owner saying doing lessons with the first school (141) then going to the second school, then returning to the first school is an FAA infraction. I'm guessing the owner...
  14. oregonboy109

    how is this an FAA infraction?

    Sounds like a 141 reg he's talking about. I'd second the opinion you should use the credit towards rentals and finish your training at the other school.
  15. oregonboy109

    Smart watch

    "Less cost" and "aviation related" are mutually exclusive.
  16. oregonboy109

    To cold to fly....

    We stop flying at -25 ambient. Anything above that is fair game.
  17. oregonboy109

    In which decade did you start college?

    Started in 2016. 3 semesters in (plus a summer session) and still chugging along lol.
  18. oregonboy109

    Raptor Deposit?

    I'll believe this one when I see it. Not holding my breath...
  19. oregonboy109

    Commercial Pilot Courses

    I've used ASA written and oral exam guides for PPL, IR, Commercial (the oral guide for commercial multi), and CFI with good results so I'd recommend them.