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  1. K

    My controller confusion the other day

    Taxi instructions for an intersection departure are supposed to include the intersection (Rwy 18L at Echo 4); however, the connecting taxiway can be omitted if it is at the end of the runway.
  2. K

    Drone ID not popular

    How much is this driven by the FAA's plans for drone air traffic management vs. the desires of the security apparatus?
  3. K

    Bogus invoice from KSMO

    Send Vantage an invoice for the value of the time it took for you to deal with their invoice.
  4. K

    not-flight-following etiquette

    According to the AIM, it's wrong. 4-1-20d. IDENT Feature Transponder/ADSB-Out equipment must be operated only as specified by ATC. Activate the "IDENT" feature only when requested by ATC.
  5. K

    What Power Does the FAA Have?

    For example:
  6. K

    On the runway, ready for takeoff and then...

    1. Transmit to the aircraft on final that you are in takeoff position. 2. Turn so you can see the aircraft on final,--if he is not going around or will not obviously overfly you, taxi off the side of the runway to avoid collision. 3. Change the club's moronic checklists.
  7. K

    Visual approach cloud clearance question

    Not necessarily. Sometimes it becomes Class E to the ground.
  8. K

    ‘Name That Airport’ Thread

    Anderson AFB
  9. K

    Pilot Deviation Career Ending?

    The problem is that you are only looking at events that involve a loss of surface separation (paragraph A-3). In Appendix A paragraphs A-2 through A-10 list the various criteria. Therefore, events that meet the criteria listed under paragraph A-6 (Airport Environment) must be reported.
  10. K

    Pilot Deviation Career Ending?

    Dave said he couldn't find any specific reference to crossing a hold short line. I referenced the reporting criteria regarding the presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian in the runway safety area and explained that the hold line denotes the boundary of the RSA. I the question is where...
  11. K

    Pilot Deviation Career Ending?

    A-6. Airport Environment. a. The presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian on any movement area or runway safety area not expected/intended by ATC. The hold line marks the boundary of the runway safety area.
  12. K

    Pilot Deviation Career Ending?

    Crossing a runway hold line without clearance is a Mandatory Occurrence Reporting item.
  13. K

    Interesting article about DUI
  14. K

    Interesting Approach

    How is it "interesting"?
  15. K

    Collings B24 crew farewell to B17 crew

    That should say B-25, not B-24.
  16. K

    I'm giving a FR, to KMWH.....13,000 ft runway

    Actually, he needs tower"s approval for the subsequent landing.
  17. K

    Hurricane Relief Flight- Post Dorian

    It's not just airspace/ATC, but ramp space.
  18. K

    Hurricane Relief Flight- Post Dorian Private relief flights to the Bahamas require prior coordination/approval because they have been getting in the way.
  19. K

    Reduce speed in an a hurry and not gain altitude

    Why was the Mooney so close?
  20. K

    Departing from taxiway

    Assuming the ramp is a non-movement area, they shouldn't be clearing them to land.. b. If landing is requested to non-movement areas, an area not authorized for helicopter use, or an area off the airport, and, in your judgment, the operation appears to be reasonable, use the following...