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  1. jshawley

    Flying Video & Poem

    Wow. Just wow...........
  2. jshawley

    Duck, Diana and Tom!

    We be good. By the time it got here it was just a big blow. I went to bed once the wx radio quit alarming and NWS radar showed it to be dying out. One good thing: I figgered out how to make my Icom IC-A24's weather radio alert works.:yes: You're supposed to pick up limbs before you mow...
  3. jshawley

    Duck, Diana and Tom!

    Sheesh! Youse guys are getting it again!
  4. jshawley

    Weight and Balance...

    Er... We (da boss and I) were working on our weights and balance, so that the plane's weight and balance would be in spec, by walking the taxi way...:rolleyes:B) Just don't tell her I told you:no:; I might get hurt...
  5. jshawley

    Weight and Balance...

    So here we were, "Yes, Dear" and I "working" on the plane's ;) weight and balance on the taxiway at M17, and on the way back to the hangars and pickup truck I hear a jet. It's not an Embraer, nor is it a CRJ--just doesn't sound right; so, says I, mebbe its lights are on, and I can see it (it...
  6. jshawley

    New Oklahoma Storms

    This has been the strangest year! All the best to all who have been affected by the storms this spring and winter...
  7. jshawley

    Well, I'm talking to Diana right now...

    If necessary,Joe, M17's 100LL is $4.89/gal right now. We're about 52 sm east of Diana's/LLU. Also, there's a really good bar-b-que place downtown, and I know someone who would be glad to be an impromptu chauffeur :yes:. Lemme know if you guys come over this way.
  8. jshawley

    Student Pilots in IMC

    As both a student, then later as a PPASEL, I have logged actual IMC time--both events with a CFII in the right seat. I'm not too concerned that Marion Jr. will come after me. I'm more concerned with people who earn their IRs and have never seen a cloud, much less been inside one...:confused...
  9. jshawley

    Memorial Day thanks

    Thanks indeed to all who have served, or are serving. I still miss the salt spray, and the phosphorescent glow of the bow wave and wake...
  10. jshawley

    It is not just airports and planes it is trains too

    When we bought our house in Bolivar, we knew it was within a block of the local grain elevator/feed supply; we fully expected noise, not a problem. Since then, around the corner in a zoned residential district a family moved in, graded a large driveway, parked three 18-wheeler trailers and one...
  11. jshawley

    Why stuff is expensive

    Thread Creep Alert!!! ;) I fondly remember telling the service station attendant I would like "a dollar's worth of gas", and receive about three gallons. Sigh.
  12. jshawley

    Happy Birthday Jim

    Thanks, Diana! I think I was describing the time the Blue Angels visited COU, and I caught the two solos doing their head-on pass with my old SLR Minolta. Heather just loved flying with you! I'm so jealous--she'll never fly in a yoke/transverse seating aircraft again!:P (Actually she will...
  13. jshawley

    My friend lost his house and his airplane

    Diana-- Just stumbled on this thread. All I can say is, "Wow." Glad you and Tom are ok. My thoughts and prayers to all there...
  14. jshawley


    Greg, you guys relieved us. Bainbridge, CGN 25. We were assigned to Midway and a frigate. I can't remember which one she was.
  15. jshawley

    Airpark near Bull Shoals Lake

    There's one (and only one) synapse left in my pea-brain that can just barely remember when there warn't no Table Rock Lake. I think the dam had been built by that time, but the lake wasn't full yet. I think we had a '57 Buick Century Station Wagon, the rear axle of which wiped a bearing in...
  16. jshawley

    New member saying hello

    Welcome, and congrats on your new arrival!
  17. jshawley

    Finally!!,new pilot,new to the board

    Way to go, and congratulations! And welcome to the Blue Board.
  18. jshawley

    Kim, welcome to the blue board!

    Welcome to the Blue Board, Kim! Glad you could get away for awhile. Make sure you holler next time you're near M17; I'll buy you a $150.00 burger. (You too, Diana!):D
  19. jshawley

    Apollo 11 had to clear customs on Moon arrival

    As a sailor from '75 to March '81, never had to go through a customs search, &c. Dunno about the Old Man; I was always throttleman in #2 (starboard screw) engine room. Special Sea and Anchor Detail was my favorite.
  20. jshawley

    Young Eagle thank-you notes

    To the Honorable Diana Richards, Ambassadress of Aviation: Way to go, Grrrl!!!:goofy::princess::wonderwoman::cheers: Seriously, what you and Tom do...Priceless. Thanks for being such great ambassadors.