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  1. jshawley

    Good News from Kansas

    Thems is some purty rocks! Many congratulations!
  2. jshawley

    SouthWest passenger gets booted from flight for being "too fat"

    "Thyroid problems"--that and "big bones." :crazy: That's always the reason some folks have "weight and balance" issues--never dietary and exercise (or lack thereof). Oh, and also "it's genetic," bad knees, bad back, bad ankles, bad... &c, &c, &c--ad infinitum, ad...
  3. jshawley

    Diana had surgery today

    I'm late too, but make certain you do that therapy stuff, 'k?
  4. jshawley

    There Are Flyers; and

    Would one of those gulls be named Jonathan Livingston?;) Lovely photo, by the way...
  5. jshawley

    High EGT and high CHT

    It would be interesting to do the same spectrum analyses with the GAMIjectors in their correct cylinders. Wondering: could the 1/2 subharmonic be due to load placed on the camshaft, causing a slight decelaration/acceleration event? Just pondering...
  6. jshawley

    Be clear on the radio about what you are doing

    Occasionally I hear a couple of FedEx drivers talking to SGF approach: "Churf, shaof, chuaff, shlupp, shlaoouapp, ch/shlppfttbfft." Seriously, that's what he sounds like! All others I can, with little effort, make out that they are FedEx, WaterSki, American Eagle, &c, and what their...
  7. jshawley

    Go arounds

    Had a couple this year: First was a go-around at Stockton, MO last Winter. Ground speed "felt" too high, and I started wondering just how much real estate I had already passed up; decided to go back up and look. I had already sold too much. Second was at Bolivar late Spring. Nice and smooth...
  8. jshawley

    Watching Sunday's departures on live video...

    Anybody know precisely where the camera is located? I thought it was looking down P-2, but I don't see A-2 on the other side...
  9. jshawley

    KC-135 Flight tomorrow

    Hey, Rudy: Were you over Southwest Missouri during your flight? We often see B-2s being refueled directly over M17 (Bolivar).
  10. jshawley

    Robert McNamara Dead

    McNamara was also responsible for the word, "commonality". He invented it.
  11. jshawley

    Plane Crash at Gaston's

    Radio station quotes a fisherman as saying it sounded as though they were experiencing engine trouble. KSGF, 104.1 (I thirk).
  12. jshawley

    Daughters First Flight!! My New Co-Pilots

    You've got some great little co-pilots there! Good for you!!! :smilewinkgrin:
  13. jshawley

    Pilot dies in flight

    "Shut up, shut up; you are jamming my signal. I am trying to reach Cape Race!" RMS Titanic (which didn't file a flight plan and, what's more, was not being controlled by ATC)
  14. jshawley

    Missouri needs money and who has it?

    What has gotten us Missouri pilots more than annoyed is the haphazard way we've been threatened. And as the letter from Jonathon Rimington, MPA president notes, many have been misled by the very departmental bureaucrats who now want our money. As one local aviation icon, 95-year old Gene (his...
  15. jshawley

    Very bad news...

    Do not even begin to second-guess yourself, Lance. As one who I know (from the two times we have met) is passionate about aviation and av. safety, I know you did all you could as a mentor to Steve. My deepest condolences, to both you and your family. Jim
  16. jshawley

    Home From Gaston's Thread

    My classmate and I were there for just a brief period of time, but you were out "bird-dogging"!:D:D Perhaps soon, we'll head up to Gardner for another classmate's wedding in August; maybe we can meet up then...
  17. jshawley

    Home From Gaston's Thread

    Had a good visit, albeit brief, Saturday, got my classmate to MNF to catch her dad, made it home too. A "D'oh!" apology: I was calling my position ystdy, until I realized, right over the dam, that I was calling on BPK's freq, not on CTAF :blush::frown3::redface:! Fortunately, nobody was too...
  18. jshawley

    Two photos from 6/13, about Noon

    Here are a couple of photos I took when my classmate and I dropped in about noon-is on Saturday...
  19. jshawley

    I Miss My Grapefruit!!

    So, why do the various 'statins ruin my fun with grapefruit? (A rhetorical question, really.) Is there any cholesterol medication that permits consumption of grapefruit? I love the stuff, and wish I could imbibe in it again (no, I don't add sugar :wink2:).
  20. jshawley

    Finally Some Closure

    My thanks for your persistence in your desire to serve. Not enough people in the younger generation recognize the truth to the saying, "to whom much is given, much is required". You do. And you persevered in finding the good way to give back to your legacy who purchased our freedoms. You...