Search results

  1. Morne

    What makes for expensive annuals?

    OK, I get that. You don't keep up on maintenance and anything can suffer - a house, a car, a plane - whatever. But more specifically, is it things like landing gear part replacement, hydraulics, electronics, corrosion, rigging - aside from the engine and prop what are the big dollar items that...
  2. Morne

    In flight emergency

    Tune in nearest ASOS and get the ceiling. Now you know (approximately) when you'll break out and how much time at best glide you'll have from the bases to the surface. glide towards nearest airport as best as your iPad (or whatever) shows. Don't panic, just fly. You'll learn that part of...
  3. Morne

    What makes for expensive annuals?

    Thanks for your insight. I'll file that away.
  4. Morne

    What makes for expensive annuals?

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's like saying that Andrew Dice Clay brings balance to a convent.
  5. Morne

    What makes for expensive annuals?

    No, you don't. From the original post, enlarged slightly so even rude people with poor vision can read it: My question is, "What causes annuals to be so insanely pricy?" Unless you know what causes annuals to be so insanely pricy then PLEASE silence thyself and stop trying to derail MY...
  6. Morne

    AOPA Best GA Aircraft Ever

    You don't "get" an RV, the RV "gets" you. They are now so advanced that they asemble themselves in the UPS boxes en route to your house and then mind-meld with the unwary pilot who pries open the box. The new programming requires them to go onto internet forums and act like jerks at every...
  7. Morne

    What makes for expensive annuals?

    Honest to Odin, would you P-L-E-A-S-E stop it? You love RVs, we get it. You think they are superior, we understand. You think they fly 200 knots for 1000 miles and crap all over everyone else's threads - we are so freaking nauseated it isn't even funny. Did I say I was thinking about buying...
  8. Morne

    What makes for expensive annuals?

    I've seen a couple of aircraft for sale that brag about how well maintained they are because they had to spend $100K on a recent annual. Example...
  9. Morne

    New pilots - hours vs landings

    As of my last complete log page, 243.5 hours, 468 landings, 140.9 hours XC time (mostly what I do now). My first 100 hours I had over 330 landings, though, and the vast majority were full stop. You low time (under 100 hours) guys with 2:1 ratios, go get some more pattern work! Play with...
  10. Morne

    Altitude and oxygen levels

    Go up with another pilot on O2 and you put a finger pulse oximeter on. See where it dips below 90. I use the oximeter even when on Oxygen to verify it is having the desired effect. Personally, I found myself at 85 when at 10K. But I am an out of shape Ohio boy. Thus I now use O2 anytime I...
  11. Morne

    I'm a mess!

    About alcohol and cardiovascular disease - moderate, regular consumption puts you in one of the lowest risk classes for it. Teetotallers have a higher risk. Drunks screw up other organs, like their livers, and that ain't good. But my local pathologist assures me that she's never seen a...
  12. Morne

    How far do you GO?

    Normal mission is 250 nm each way. Longest was Ohio to Southern California.
  13. Morne

    Learning to fly in the USA

    Last summer the flight school I went to had 4 Icelandic students there. They were thrilled with the prices! Not that Ohio is known for good weather, but it is better in the summer.
  14. Morne

    ForeFlight with Geo-Ref Plates, is it worth $75?

    Have it and love it. But I fly a /A equipped bird. Glass panel is beyond my experience. If you're gonna buy a plane, might I point out that an iPad with FF-Pro is a lot cheaper than buying a G1000.
  15. Morne

    Tips for the Opposite Sex

    I am a stay at home dad, I do most of the housework. On the weekends my wife helps out when she can, but it is my day to day responsibility. No, my house is not as clean as I want it to be. It never will be. Being married is a lot of give and take. Sometimes that is verbal but a lot of...
  16. Morne

    Battery-diff betw sealed/unsealed

    I just replaced my 182's battery myself. Put in a Concorde sealed AGM with the XC. Works great! You can do this yourself, really. I am no uber-mechanic.
  17. Morne

    Hiring - Airport Manager BJJ

    FYI - the period for receiving resumes/applications is now closed. We got a good response and have a number of promising candidates to interview.
  18. Morne

    Diesel motors for planes?

    Small diesels are flying pretty well already. It's a 2-stroke, but the Wilksch Airmotive 3-cylinder inline is flying on some RVs and at least one (UK) Long-EZ: This appears to be a fairly simple technology to scale up. Basically each cylinder...
  19. Morne

    Diesel motors for planes?

    Another discussion about this:
  20. Morne

    Tales of Hangar Construction

    I saw this with some basic kit prices for polebarns (would that work?): That 40x84x16' kit for $16,199 would work. Still need it assembled, plus the door(s), site prep and concrete work.