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  1. Morne

    Gulfstream Girl

    Not that there's anything wrong with your alternative lifestyle, but try not judging what us hetero men like, mmmkay?
  2. Morne

    Gulfstream Girl

    Please, tell us about the supermodel on your arm. I had never heard of this pilot before this thread. The attitudes in here are beyond awful. Get your misogyny treated. Is she legally qualified to do the job? Yes? Then the matter is closed. An employer can hire or not hire whomever he/she...
  3. Morne

    What could I have done?

  4. Morne

    Question for airplane owners

    RV-8/8A for that list.
  5. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    What attracts you to the 310? I'm curious. While we're at it, which 310 variant do you like best? It seems that they went through a boatload of changes over the years.
  6. Morne

    Question for airplane owners

    I fly more long distance XC than I thought I would. Once you have a plane, and hate TSA, you find use in it for vacations that used to be handled with the airlines.
  7. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    Touché, but that's because I knew this wouldn't be my last plane. When looking for something that I can easily sell and meet my mission the fixed gear 182 rose quickly to the top.
  8. Morne

    Past Lives and FAA Medical

    Religious beliefs or not, try acting like a parent and protect your children from strangers. Congrats on your license, please yield to the Valkyrie when they take me to Valhalla.
  9. Morne

    FAA Threatens to close control towers due to spending cuts

    You don't need to talk to the tower to enter class D airspace. Usually, it is the local approach controller with whom you make 2-way radio contact. In their absence, nearest center frequency would work. Now for LANDING, that's where your argument might be relevant.
  10. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    Fuel economy isn't bad in the 337 compared to other 6 place twins. Baggage space, point taken, you need the cargo pod if you want any.
  11. Morne

    Time to get the ticket wet

    Drove. The icing airmet stayed put and was backed up by pireps of light, clear icing at my cruise altitude. Homie don't knowingly fly into dat.
  12. Morne

    Uncontrolled, OH NO we are all going to die!!!!!!

    OSU is very busy. I fly into there a few times a year. Not unusual to be told to expect one runway and then get shuffled to a different one by the time you're downwind. Jets, props and helicopters coming from every compass point. Everything from students to law enforcement to businessmen to...
  13. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    I view the P337 as a nice plane with even more maintenance needs versus the NA version. First, you have turbo engines that really push the horepower for the displacement (225 hp on a 360!) with questionable cooling. If I were to get one, I would get the intercoolers. Second, you have the...
  14. Morne

    Time to get the ticket wet

    Agree. Right now there's an icing airmet for Ohio with a floor varying from SFC to 10,000' at the time of my departure. If that remains I'll be driving instead.
  15. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    One of the key rationalizations, errr excuses, errr good reasons (yeah! yeah, that's it) for wanting a T-Bone with airstair or 337 is they are easy for older folks to get into and out of. Sure, a 58 Baron or Seneca fits the bill as well, but then so does an Aerostar or Twin Commander. Gotta...
  16. Morne

    Time to get the ticket wet

    So I need to be at VJI by early Wednesday morning for a business meeting. I think I'll fly down Tuesday evening, maybe 2200Z departure from BJJ, and come home Wednesday afternoon. Prog charts are showing rain and snow (and headwinds) from a low pressure system. We'll see what the TAFs say...
  17. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    If we worried about economic sense general aviation wouldn't exist. Wants and needs are different. This is a want.
  18. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    Yeah, I am actively inquiring about hangar space at neighboring airports. Right now my home field cannot shelter such a massive beast. Although, a 337 would fit in my tee-hangar. Ultimately that might make the choice between the models, if I can't find hangar space for the big bird.
  19. Morne

    Airventure 2013 - Who's going?

    Going. Already reserved the rental house.
  20. Morne

    Should I get a retractable gear airplane?

    You guys are really swaying me. Called a T-Bone owner yesterday who has his bird up for sale. Depending upon how I finance the deal, and I sell my 182 first, I can keep a large enough maintenance reserve fund to make me comfortable.